Com - is adding unauthorized charges to phone bill

Internet & Web is signing up people for monthly voice mail charges via unauthorized payment request emails:

I am reporting as pulling a scam to add a service charge of $14.95 per month onto my phone bill WITHOUT my authorization.

When I called to tell them I DID NOT sign up for this service the woman on the phone tried to say I did and was trying to say maybe it was through an affiliate that I signed up with but was unwilling to tell me which affiliates they are in business with. I asked her several times to tell me what phone service they were working with or through, or any other information that would show that I actually signed up for their service. She would not give me any information. She was rude, hostile and unwilling to give me information that a legitimate service would provide for its customers. The hosting company they use has been alerted to their fraud and has sent them a disclosure of OPT-IN information to find out who signed me up for this service without my authorization. If they do not comply with the request their hosting will be terminated.

I contacted the BBB, the company's hosting service and the Federal Trade Commission to file a complaint. They have over 400 complaints against these kinds of companies for a practice that is called "cramming". This company adds this charge to your phone bill and AT&T cannot stop it due to a change in policy that prevents phone companies from monopolizing the industry. So they are unable to prevent these scam places from adding unauthorized charges to your phone bill but are very aware of this company and its cramming scam. is sneaky and underhanded in it's practices and I am outing these crammers. Make sure you check your phone bill, they hide under names such as "ESBI and OAN under your billing services and also appear as Digital Vmail Inc.

I have included a story that MSNBC has written to alert consumers of this "cramming scam" that is running rampant:

FCC on cramming: http://www.fcc. Gov/cib/consumerfacts/cramming.html

Federal Trade Commission on cramming: http://www.ftc. Gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/products/pro18. Shtm

Information about what you can do about cramming: http://webapp. Psc. State. Md.Us/Intranet/info/Cram_new. Cfm

HELP STOP these underhanded companies from this deception! Beware of and the many others that are ripping off customers!

Company: Digitalvmail
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Forest Lake
Address: 24078 Greenway Street, Forest Lake, MN 55025
Phone: 8777683666
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Enhanced Services Billing Inc
Enhanced Services Billing Inc. "Cramming" Scam, Rip-off with AT&T

Galacy Web Hosting - Integretel - The Billing Resource
Unauthorized Cramming Charges, BEWARE ripoff

T-Mobile USA
RIPOFF Fraudulent charges FCC calls this "cramming" and broke their agreement with me

Digitalvmail signed me up for their services i never heard of before

Tralee Telephone And USBI
Ripoff fraudulent billing

Member's Edge
LLC, Member's Edge VM Cramming Services Available Here! Ripoff

ILD Teleservices, Inc
US Music Find, Inc. This company commits unauthorized "cramming" billing services for other comapnies onto your landline phone bill

Email Discount Network, Llc
Company engages in telephone biil "Cramming"

Enhanced Svcs Billing Inc - (Esbi)
Unauthorized phone charges referred to as cramming

US Prizedraw Telephone bill cramming