Empire Today, LLC
Empire Today, Conflicting States Regarding Potenital New Job Applicants!

Shops, Products, Services

1 August

I wrote, faxed, called, left voice mail messages, even sent a hard copy letter to no avail, the day that I contact the Chicago Attorney General's Office, I get a phone call and a e-mail message.

Perhaps those of you that are having problems with a company should fax the company you are having problems with a letter that you have actually sent to the Attorney General's Office. (Also ask that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission-EEOC, Wage & Hour—Department of Labor, Consumer Protection Agencies, Attorney General Offices, the local media-newspapers/radio/news, and/or special interest groups know about your situation, you may be able to get help in other ways?) Exposure is always great for companies that appear to be unscrupulous. I saw a special 20/20 did once on a terrible company and eventually that company had to close its doors and went out of business.

We'll see if I get my reimbursement check, which is taking forever!

When I called Empire Today, LLC I have been routed to the wrong voice mailbox, had the telephone disconnect several times, or spoken to people who didn't have a "clue" and had to transfer me AGAIN to someone else who didn't know what was going on or to a person that offered "excuses".

There were tons of blunders, from the recruiter not getting with the Junction City, Kansas office to set up the interview the week of the 4 of July, to me being told I needed to "RUSH" on 11 July for an interview with the manager of the Junction City, Kansas office because a decision was going to be made on or by 17 July this was told to me by the manager of the Junction City, Kansas office, John Elder (who seems like a really nice gentleman and is not involved in my dispute), and the recruiter, Miriam. Then after the recruiter Miriam FINALLY comes back from her wedding she leaves me a voice mail and I still have it that states "yeah, I heard you have been talking to my boss and asking for help from him (had Miriam been around I would not had to go over her head).

You asked about your reimbursement check it will be sent out next week or sometime thereafter (oh yeah, that is really EXACT&gee thanks, now I know what to tell my bill collectors! Regardless of the amount, be it $2 or $2 million dollars, people on a tight budget still want their money!) Then she (Miriam) tells me they are still interviewing candidates and the date has changed, it will be several weeks (what happened to the 17 July deadline I was told by two Empire Today, LLC staff members?!?!?). I was told my expenses would be covered by Miriam, then Miriam leaves a voice message and states ONLY your mileage is covered (uh. When I asked what was covered prior to me departing my hometown, this was NOT mentioned?!"

I am going to stop, I have more, but you all get the picture. Totally unprofessional, unscrupulous, and appears to have various issues with clandestine and/or questionable business practices/ethics.

I do not want to sound condescending but this is one of the most unprofessional organizations I have dealt with in a long time. The human resources recruiter I was dealing with, got married (which is great), but just left the office, no one knew where nothing was at, she did not even have the astuteness to have a contingency plan and IF she did, is was an awful one. How many times do people want to hear "ummm I dunno?". Come on, give me a break here!

I even offered my human resources consulting services for a fee to this company, because I could tell they needed some additional training to help better satisfy their customers and/or their employees. I tried to contact the CEO or board of directors but there is no easy way to access this information, from what I could tell.

I am just puzzled and confused about this whole thing. I didn't walk in feeling this way, in fact; at first I thought I would be able to make Empire Today, LLC one of the best companies to work for and/or to purchase carpet from, but now I am not too sure.: (

Below are (some) of the letters/faxes I have sent, complete with my contact information if anyone wants to contact me, I have nothing to hide.

Dr. Cheryl f mba, ph. D.
12537 (ror redacted for security purposes)

E-Mail: *

PS: I have read some posts here where Empire Today, LLC, allegedly did not know how to get in contact with their own vendors and/or the vendors did not follow through on jobs they started. This is totally unacceptable for ANY business. Again, Empire Today, LLC may need to have better contingency plans in place, (for example:

Empire Today, LLC, should be able to pull up on the computer 24-7 the vendor/carpet installer's telephone number, cellphone number, pager, beeper, e-mail address, fax number, and emergency/back up telephone number and contact that person on behalf of the customer while the customer is still on the telephone, where the customer could speak directly with the vendor.)

Another suggestion when the vendor/carpet installer is more than 1 hour later (for whatever reason), $500.00 is deducted from the total bill owed. When the carpet installer/vendor is more than four hours later $1,000.00 is deducted from the total bill or the services are free if the price is less than $1,000.00. No shows or more than four hours late the complete job is FREE to the customer.

Sure things happen, but I should not be reading where customers have taken off from their jobs 3 or more days to have a carpet installer/vendor NOT show. Empire Today, LLC would then have to collect the money directly from the carpet installers/vendors for no-shows, late calls, and/or inferior work.

This is EXCELLENT customer service and what I would have offered as a consultant to Empire Today, LLC. Another option would be for the customer to have pager (like the ones at Outback Steak House) and when the carpet installers/vendors are AT or 10 minutes near the customer's house they could call the customer and the customer could leave their jobs and NOT miss time or take off unnecessarily. Time is money-have these carpet installers NOT heard of that?

Also there could be a plan that if the customer has taken off of work and the carpet installer/vendor did NOT show, the customer would receive $250.00 per day as "replacement" pay, for some customers it will be under what the make and for some others it will be over, however; it will be Empire Today's way of saying "we are sorry your day was ruined and you took time off from your job. Please accept this $250.00 {net} as our way of saying we are sorry.) And this amount would be sent via certified check overnight express delivery within 5 business days after the incident occurred. (Again Empire would recoup the money from the carpet installer that did not show up or they could settle it in or out of court, but the main thing is the customer would be satisfied.)

I have tons of ideas, thoughts, and suggestions, but I will not supply them for free, as I am a professional consultant.

Dr. C.:

1 August

Dear Mr. *
At least I FINALLY got a response from Empire Today.
I do believe you were sincerely trying to help, however when I left you a voice mail after we spoke, a good supervisor/manager would have personally followed up and informed me of the status.

I have been a manager and I have often taken an extra step to ensure our customer's needs were met, even if it met I had to personally type a letter or an e-mail, or send a fax, or personally call them. Sometimes I have even paid a special visit to that customer to show that I care. But never would I not respond within 24-48 hours to any e-mail, fax, telephone message, etc. I received. Sometimes I have been so busy the only thing I could tell the customer is "I did receive your call/email/letter, however; it will be about 3-5 business days before I can give you an answer" and then followed up. As long as you are HONEST most people are willing to work with you.

Therefore I understand that Empire Today may have been busy, but to totally avoid me was very unprofessional and it led to me contacting other sources that may be able to help me in a more efficient manner.

The way I had to wait and still have to wait for my money is very... As you state " was very disturbing and disappointing to me". Most places I have interviewed with and/or worked for I only have to wait up to two weeks and the check is in my mailbox, some companies even go a step further and send me a check via UPS overnight or next day air.

Had someone responded to me, and better yet just sent the check to me, this entire situation could have been avoided. Since the beginning I have been told "conflicting" information and it really is probably not a place I would probably feel comfortable, if there is confusion and untruths NOW, what if I were employed, it would probably only get worse.

I am a professional business woman and I handle my business affairs in the most effective manner. I wonder what you find is most disturbing about my fax, Mr. H*, the fact that I will speak up and fight for what I believe in and/or that I have contacted other agencies and/or consumer protection groups?

I want my $215.73 (USD), sent to me via overnight carrier, UPS/DHL/Federal Express, I asked Miriam IF I would have my expenses back by 31 July as I was taking funds from another account to make the trip and she stated yes (again&another untruth).

It is 1 August and of course I still do not have my check for $215.73 (USD). Then Miriam leaves me a voice mail message (that is the one I played for the administrative assistant at the Chicago AG's office today) that states that I will only be paid for mileage, this is NOT what she told me. I had to put gas in the car and I had lunch, what a way to treat potential job candidates, in my professional opinion. Most companies allow about $25.00 to $150.00 per day for meals.

Also it was not very professional for Miriam to state I needed to go to an interview and the hiring manager would make a decision by 17 July and then speak another untruth and leave a voice mail message stating it would be several more weeks before a decision is made. John Elder, told me directly on the telephone before my interview "the corporate office wants to hire a HR person before 17 July and I want to have a HR person on or by 17 July to help out in the Junction City, KS office."
(Sigh) It has just been like a crazy circus with a never ending circle of untruths, miscommunications, confusion, and non-delivery of promised goods, services, and/or cash (check).

Very Sincerely,
Cheryl F*, MBA, Ph. D.

Robert Hardy wrote: (1 August)

Hi Cheryl, I just left you a voicemail {913-906-9496}. I am just getting a copy of the fax you sent on 7/26. As I mentioned in the voicemail, I am Miriam's Manager and I was just trying to help/assist you while Miriam was out. Miriam's Director is my boss and he is the final approver on what gets reimbursed. I never told you? A check would get cut.' I simply told you I would run it up to Jan to try to get things taken care of for you asap. I did not realize at the time that you had only faxed in your expense sheet that still needed to be approved. Again, I was simply trying to help you. I apologize for all of the issues you are running into and my intent was/is to provide Sincere assistance to you where I could? {Your fax was very disturbing and disappointing to me?}

Thank You,

Robert Hardy | Staffing Manager | Empire Today? | Direct: (888) 588-2315 x3661 | Fax: (708) 236-4460 | rhardy@empire-today.com | http://www.empire-today.com

1 August

Attorney General
Chicago Main Office
100 West Randolph Street
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 814-3000

Dear Attorney General's Office:

Re: empire today, llc

I have tried on several occasions to reach Empire Today, LLC regarding a payment of $215.73 that is due me for reimbursement for travel expenses, 11 July. To date I have not been able to get a return telephone call, I have faxed over information, to no avail. I have spoken with Jan Stockman (accounts department, the most helpful person at the organization), Robert Hardy (supervisor), John Elder (Junction City, Kansas, interviewer), and Merriam (recruiter).

I am starting to have a very bad feeling about this company, I have done some research and found that the company has several complaints for poor customer service, numerous history of not following up properly and I wanted to alert your office about this company. I was told conflicting things since the start of my communication with this agency. I do not want to sound condescending, however; I question if this organization is operating in an ethical and/or otherwise scrupulous manner? It appears to be some clandestine operations. The board members are not listed, the earnings statements are not readily available, the CEO/President is not easily identified or able to be contacted, and the grievance procedure is nonsensical in nature.

I even offered my professional consulting services to try to help this organization, however the deeper I have researched the more questionable this organization becomes. What I would like for the Attorney General's office to do is to review my faxes/letters, and to recoup my $215.73, plus any attorney's fees. Perhaps a full EEOC, Wage & Hour, Attorney General investigation is what is needed to help clear up some of the misconceptions? Simply doing a search for? Empire today? Or going to usacomplaints.com? May be a mere glimpse into a much bigger problem? Had I gotten paid when I was supposed to and had the communication be professional and proper, I probably would not even be writing, but this is ridiculous and something needs to be done. How long can consumers keep complaining and the Attorney General's office do nothing or turn a deaf ear? Had the company merely followed up with my faxes and/or questions, I probably would not even be writing this, but to be ignored (whether intentionally or non-intentionally) is very unprofessional. Just a very tacky situation all the way around. L

Very Sincerely,

Dr. Cheryl F, MBA, Ph. D.
Human Resources Consultant
12537 H

*Please have my check mailed to the above address IF you can get through to Empire. I will fax Empire Today a copy of this letter too. However; unless your office contacts them directly, I will be told another different? Untruth? Regarding my payment. This is awful and so very unprofessional. Thank you so very much for your help in this matter. The fax numbers I have are listed on the other faxes I have attached for your review, (708)-202-6137-Jan Stockman, (708)-202-6144 (Merriam).

To: Mr. Robert Hardy (Ext. 3661)

From: Cheryl F* MBA, Ph. D. (ABD)
E-Mail: *

Date: 26 July

RE: Travel Reimbursement

I have just listened to a voice mail message from Merriam on 26 July at or about 3:53pm (CST) that states the following:

(1) only my mileage will be covered, what about the gas that it took to get to Junction City? Merriam stated her director only approved a certain amount, I was not told about this prior? Please advise. That seems nonsensical to me and very implausible.
(a) Merriam states that I spoke with her boss, which I assume is Robert Hardy? It was Robert Hardy that approved my expenses and told me he would take them to accounts payable, Ms. Jan Stockman, and then have a check cut for me on 26 July and then have Merriam (spelling) follow up about the interview status. Isn't Mr. Hardy, Merriam's? Director? And if so, is he the one that would omit meals for a business trip? I have traveled for years and most times there is a per diem for meals, be it as low as $25.00 per day to $150.00 per day. I find that a little implausible that job candidates can not get reimbursed for a small meal. However if that is your policy in terms of how potential job candidates are paid, I certainly understand the policy.

(2) Merriam stated in her voice mail? The check will go out sometime? Next? Week.' You (Robert Hardy) told me on 25 July that the check would be cut on 26 July and I should have it by the weekend. Now there is? Another? Conflicting statement and? Sometime? Is so subjective, as well as the adjective? Should? There is nothing specific? Please advise. How much is the check going to be exactly?

(3) I was told that the Human Resources Consulting job needed to be filled by 17 July by John Elder (Junction City, Kansas) and Merriam (spelling) stated that? John Elder would like to have someone in the position as soon as possible? However on the voice mail message (I still have it) Merriam clearly states? Empire is still in the process of interviewing other candidates and that I or the job candidates should know something by mid-next month? If this was the case, why did I have to? Rush? To Junction City, Kansas for an interview on 11 July because supposedly there was going to be a hiring decision made immediately?

I know and understand things come up, but one starts to get a really bad feeling when they are told conflicting information constantly, it's the type of thing that often shows up on such website as usacomplaints.com or similarly situated forms of media and the sad part is that 99.9% of the miscommunication or misinformation could probably be avoided and this would make your potential job candidates probably feel much better about the Empire Today, LLC organization in general.in order for a job candidate to be 100% happy with their jobs, they have to believe in the organization and the administration.

"Winners NEVER quit! Quitters NEVER win! YES U can do this! It starts TODAY!"

Company: Empire Today, LLC
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: North Lake
Address: 333 Northwest Avenue
Phone: 8885882315
  <     >  


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