Missing Link Group - JaeMichael Henderson - Jae Michael Henderson, A.k.a. Jae Michael
Missing Link Group - JaeMichael Henderson - Jae Michael Deceptive practices fraudulent advertising possibly an unlicensed investigator ripoff Formerly Of

Shops, Products, Services

I find it laughable that Mr. JaeMichael Henderson had the audacity to respond and offer a rebuttal on behalf of his company to one of the fellow individuals that has been defrauded by him in the past.

Mr. JaeMichael Henderson (he used Jae Michael as a name with my case) is far from being inclined to correct any wrong he has committed, in fact, I'd go as far as to say he prospers from deceptive practices and skips town hoping not to ever redress his wrongs.

I engaged Mr. Henderson in 2004 to do a simply background search. I was quoted a flat fee of approximately $400.00 for the search, but was advised to consider the criminal check as a follow up for an additional $375.00. I declined to take up the additional search, claiming that if I thought that necessary I would do so after receiving information first. Mr. Henderson had spent a good hour on the phone with me informing me of his talents and that he was a retired officer and would conduct the search confidentially. The subject would be unaware of his investiation, and all would be handled in the strictest of confidence. I was impressed by his credentials and the rate of success he offered to me as corroboration of his years in service.

Wishing to pay with my credit card, I was told by Mr. Henderson that his equipment was in disrepair, and that a Western Union cash transfer would be the only means to get payment to him. Naturally, before transferring funds, I asked for his PI investigator's licence number, which he rattled off in lightning speed, offering also a telephone number in Washington State to use as confirmation. (I'd later lean that the number he gave me was missing a vital digit).

Nonetheless, I wired the funds and then waited patiently as he gave me excuse after excuse as to why he was delayed in getting started on what should have been a search that could have been completed electronically in a matter of hours. Eventually, a week later, I received a telephone call from him (he was quite glib on the phone ~ referencing 'telephonic communication' as his preferred means of making contact with me). I was told that his office was working on the search and would contact me shortly.

Shortly transpired into weeks and then months, each time I made a call to his office (which turned out to be voice mail service for a cell phone with some background noise to appear as if there were many people working) I would leave a message. He did call back on quite a few occasions, citing that they were either 'getting close or completing a written report'. More funds were demanded, Mr. Henderson claimed that he'd spent numerous hours on the case and he simply couldn't go forward to provide the report without remuneration for his additional time. I reminded him that the rate he had quoted me was a flat rate, but he declined to admit that. Reluctantly, I provided approximately an additional $500.00 with express instructions that I needed the report within the week.

After three weeks of patient waiting, he contacted me to say that they had run into a dead-end and would need to engage the services of what he referred to as a friend who'd do a special favour for him to complete my project. This individual remained nameless, Mr. Henderson stated that security purposes prohibited divulging his name, company or affiliation but that he employed 'Unibomber' techniques in difficult cases. The project would require an additional $500 cash transfer. I was at my wits end by this time, demanding a receipt for each transfer and receiving what was nothing more than an email in return, with no company reference information on it.

By the third month, I began calling him daily, demanding to know when I would receive 'something'; some item of information in return for the near $1,500.00 investment to date. He chose to ignore my calls.

After this went on for another several weeks, I contacted the local police authority to find that the company address was a "Mail Boxes Etc" facility in which he had reserved simply a mail box. The Gwinnet County Police Department approached Mr. Henderson to find that he had no licence in Georgia, and promptly contacted me to inform me that he was being charged with operating without a licence.

Mr. Henderson, upon hearing this, then made contact with me and reproached me, using abusive language and threats that since I had reported him to authorities he had 'paid a handsome price for taking on my case'. I informed him that I believed he was nothing but a 'con-man' and demanded the return of my money in full. Naturally, all I received was a littany of abusive comments and claims that I had caused his family great discomfort.

Redress wrongs? Hardly. This man owes me more than $1,400.00 and at one time offered me $300.00 as a full settlement, but nothing came from it. I suspect he simply said that to avoid hearing from me. But I intend to get the money back, at some time. He's savvy and street smart and managed to avert accepting service of a lawsuit I served him by mail. I performed searches on the Internet to learn that since he sold his home in Grayson Georgia, and may have moved out of state, but he has found the opportunity to pull another 'fast one' an another unwitting client since. He doesn't learn, apparently!

If anyone has information on his current address, I'd be interested in knowing. He may run, but he can't hide ~ at least not from everyone and not forever. Beware!

Company: Missing Link Group - JaeMichael Henderson - Jae Michael Henderson, A.k.a. Jae Michael
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Grayson
Phone: 8002151121
Site: 4truinfo.com
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