Missing Link, JaeMicheal Henderson
JaeMicheal Henderson, Missing Link THIEF, LIAR, ripoff, con artist, manipulative jack

Education & Science

Best wishes to anyone dealing with this lowlife. He is a LIAR and a THIEF. Portrayed himself to be a "baller" - what a joke! Anyone who STEALS from a single mother is scum of the earth.

JaeMichael, my stomach turns at the very thought of you! You couldn't handle the fact that I rejected you, but that doesn't give you the right to steal from me! I have all the proof in the world if I wanted to sue you, but quite frankly, I don't ever want to set eyes on you again. I am so glad I listened to my intuition. Good riddance!

Company: Missing Link, JaeMicheal Henderson
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Renton
Address: 13053 SE 160th Pl
Phone: 6785705757
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Missing Link JaeMichael Henderson
In Defense of Missing Link and JaeMichael Henderson Ripoff

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Missing Link
JaeMichael ripoff cheat loser lia