Dish Network
Ripoff gross misrepresentation charged me for service they did not provide

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On June 22nd, I switched from Dish to DirecTV. DirecTV gave me more channels for the same money. I verified I was not under contract with Dish when I phoned to cancel service. Their operator ("QEU") hassled me for 20 minutes. The pperator pled with me not to cancel service, that I would be sorry, and asked if I would do a 1 month trial wherein Dish would not charge me for programming. If I did not like DirecTV, I could call Dish and they would reinstate me with no service charge. I was sick of listening to the operator whine, so I agreed.

I was told I simply had to call and confirm my cancellation by July 22, or I would be billed as if I were still a Dish customer. WRONG MOVE! They bill for the month in advance and my payment for June 22 through July 22 had already been mailed. When I opened my mail today, July 13th, and had a monthly charge listed for July 23 through Aug 23 as if I were still a customer. So, I called Dish to ask for a refund since they provided me with nothing from June 22 thru July 22. They said that was a programming credit and I could use it when I reinstated with Dish.

They refused to refund my money. I think this is fraud and I told them so. I called for the boxes to ship their equipment back on July 11, and they say that's the real date I cancelled and offered me a refund from June 22 to July 11. They shouldn't be in business - if you or I behaved like this, we'd be in jail. The DirecTV salesperson also sells Dish and is pursuing this with Dish. He agrees with me that they are way out of line, and he is embarrassed and ashamed of their actions.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
Phone: 8003333474
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