E-Club Sattalite

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I knew I was signing up for E-Club... Waht I did not know is that I would be charged twice... When I signed up for Dish Network I was charged for E-Club and I never authorized that charge.

Later after I read the deal they had I figured what the heck... It might be a good deal... So I signed up at that time and I was charged a second time... I never recieved any account info so I could log on and take advantage of the service.

So I called them and they said it would take 2 business days to get my money back for the second charge (as I was unaware of the first chagrge at this time)... That was 5 days ago... Still no money back in my bank...
Then I get my bank statement and see the first charge... So I call them back and they dont have any record of my first call... The woman I spoke with was very rude... She then says it will take 72 hours to issue a refund (First it was 2 days)... Then I ask to speak with a supervisor and She says she is the supervisor... So I finally get a voice mail of the "Office Manager"... I am going to keep an eye on my bank account... And see if the money comes through.

Company: E-Club Sattalite
Country: USA
Phone: 18777287829
Site: e-club.com/dish_agreement.html
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Dish Network And E-Club Marketing
Ripoff fraudulent billing, unauthorized charges Atlanta Georgia and New Jersey

E-Club Sattelite Protection - Dish Network
Unathorized charge Ripoff

Eclubmarketing - Dish Tv
Ripoff, I never purchased anything and was billed on bank statement $19.05

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Unauthorize charge to my account causing $145.00 in overdraft fees!

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Your Savings Club - Todays Escapes - Dealmax Multiple companies under one heading take your account for unapproved monthly fees

E-Club Marketing - Dish Network
Ripoff, Lying and Stealing from Customers, Dish KNOWS!

L.A. Fitness
L.A. Fitness RIPOFF misleading information Liars, guy supposedly worked there for 10yrs that signed me up now he quit couple of months ago Ripoff

Dish Network, E-Club Marketing
Unauthorized accessed credit card info Ripoff Colorado S. Plainfield New Jersey

E-club Marketing And Dish Network
E-club charges of $19.05 without permission, steals money, BEWARE

Grants Are Easy
Did not cancle My Rewards Club.com membership as requeted, and charged my checking account