E Diets
I was ripped of by EDiets - but I got all my money back, here's how. Ripoff Deerfield Beach Florida

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I too was ripped off by eDiets.com last year. Fortunately I was able to get all of my money back, much to my surprise.

I wish I had read these reports prior to even going to their website. Like others, I didn't even complete the registration, I completely closed by browser before submitting because I had changed my mind. When I got my "Welcome" email I really didn't think anything of it - I never thought they would be able to charge my card!!! Well I was surprised to find a charge for $31.88, I had looked into the $5 per week program. I decided just to use it for the month, then cancel.

Next thing I know, I'm being charged another $40 for a physical training program and something else I did not order!!! I immediately contacted them and explained that 1) I had never signed up in the first place and 2) I most definitely did not order "extras" - I was basically told that I did and it was my fault. I asked for a supervisor, and was hung up on. Now i'm really p.O.'d - I get up the next morning and call at 5:00am PST - panicking because I could not get through to them again. I finally get to a supervisor "Priscilla" who explains the check/uncheck box thing and how you have to UNCHECK the box if you DO NOT want the add-on service. I was fuming mad, how sneaky and crooked of them! I was told I could only get back $20-some dollars of my money and I would be charged $11.27 for the next month. WTF??? I lost it at that point.

I began screaming at this "supervisor" asking her how she feels working for such a scuzzy company and told her I was going to report them to the BBB and the Federal Trade Commission, and whoever else I could think of, which is what I did that same day. The Federal Trade Commission could not help me being it was an internet deal - but the BBB responded to me within a couple of days! Basically eDiets told the BBB that they had already refunded my money. I was doubtful, but sure enough on my next credit card statement ALL my money was refunded and I was never charged again.

I guess the way to get your money back is to ACT QUICKLY, be LOUD and PERSISTENT, and report them to any and every agency you can.

I cannot believe they are still in business!!!

Company: E Diets
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: ediets.com
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Ripoff account debited twice without warning

Ediets had enough time to cancel my order but took 72 hours to respond. Ediets horrible customer service stole my money!

Rude customer service representative - diets not realistic for average individuals with families to feed. Ripoff!

Diane (Supervisor) What a ripoff, tried it, never activated or used it, they automatically renewed it, charged it, I cancelled it, then they activated it and I'm paying for it... Buyer beware, don't try it! Florida

Ripoff Misrepresentation of goods and services included in membership no refund policy high cancellation fee unfair billing membership practices

Unauthorized charges. Continued to charge check card after several requests to cancel

Unsubscribed Immediately upon registering. Kept billing for two months. Did not refund

Ripoff fraudulent billing and refund practices Deerfield Beach Florida Internet

Ripoff fraudilent billing, website set up to confuse internet

Ripoff cares only about the money not the weight loss no refund within hours even