Mbf Leasing
MERCHANT SERVICES ripoff Deceptive trade practice to induce purchase of lease. Hiding fees, failing to give copies of agreements

Shops, Products, Services

In short, it was explained to me that I could lease to own a credit card terminal for 4 years for $24.95 per month plus a 1.75% transaction fee. I asked several times if those were the only charges and it was confirmed in person and by a confirmation phonecall.
The next day I called customer service to find out when the funds would come out each month and found out there would be an addition $12.95 "statement fee".

I called the company to complain and was told I had a "non-cancellable lease". I called my rep to complain and she offered to drop my fee down to $4.95 per month and admitted that she never remembered ever telling customers about this fee, said she was new and still learning. I still wanted the machine at that time so I agreed. Today day I got a letter dated 2 days after I signed the lease from MBF Leasing saying since I did not comply and provide any proof of insurance they had "elected" to charge me another $4.95 "damage waiver" until I provided the insurance proof. If that had been mentioned to me I could have provided it. The girl on the phone told me I was told I would have "a $24.95 service charge and waiver fee". I said that is a very deceptive way to word it and she said if I had asked, I would have been told the details of the waiver fee, but they do not volunteer the information.

I called my rep and told her I just don't trust the company anymore since they have so many deceptive practices. She said she would come and get the equipment, but I have an appointment with a lawyer just in case. We'll see what happens.

If you do choose to do business with this company, READ all the fine print and ask questions.

heavener, Oklahoma

Company: Mbf Leasing
Country: USA
State: Illinois
Address: 281 W 83RD ST, STE D
Phone: 8882753251
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