Uses godfatheresque methods to collect incorrect billing amounts RIPOFF

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We only have basic phone service with Qwest, unfortunately there is no competition in our town and we have to stick with these criminals.

They use some kind of creative accounting to bump up their bills - one would think that it is very simple: a monthly service charge taxes that would remain more or less the same. We paid the same amount for our "basic phone service" (around $ 27, -) but from month to month Qwest added more and more $ without explaining why. When we called them they would just bulls*t us without making it clear where the "balance forward" was coming from. Yesterday we received a "Disconnection notice" that told us to pay $ 60, - within 2 (two!) days or our phone line would be disconnected.

The notice said: "A breakdown of your charges is shown below."

Below it said: "Qwest regulated services...$ 60.08" That was the whole "Breakdown".

We called their customer service again, they are trained in bulls*tting customers over the phone and telling them all kind of nonsense until they give up.

We don't have any other choice than to pay, similar to those business owners who enter into "agreements" with certain individuals with loaded weapons. We know one thing for sure: Qwest lost us forever as a customer, even if we still have phone service with them. The day when COX is going to come into this town is going to be the last day with Qwest.

Company: Qwest
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Phone: 8004238994
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