Cingular Wireless

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I opened an account with Cingular in Novemember April of this year, I lost my job. And the month of May I became disabled to a illness, and was unable to work. Well my cellphone service was disconnected aroundJune 27. I called on July 29 and asked for an arrangement. But I couldnt't, which I understand. I later called back on August 13 to speak to the Manager. I explained my situation to her, and she promised to give me until the end od September. I later was transferred to a representative that notated my account, with the manager approval. I later was informed by a collection agency that my account was turned over.

But when i spoke to the Manager today, he apologized for the mixup, but says he can't speak to the collection agency. Now I feel that I was treated unfair, and now have to pay 770.00, instead of the 280.00 that I owed. Not to mentioned that my good credit is now affected. I feel that is negligence on their part, because the representative forgot make the proper notations. And one Manager admiited to them sending my account over to soon, normally they give you 60-90days. Iwas a little over a month behind. Please help me out!!! 1

Company: Cingular Wireless
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Cedar Town
Address: 101 Cingular Drive
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