Ripoff - fraudulent phone charges

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USBI is the biggest scam. I never even heard of them before I looked at my phone bill today. Something seriously needs to be done about this company.

I have apparently been billed by this company three times. I missed the first two times, and accidentally paid them. Please make sure you read your phone bills carefully, or this could happen to you.

The charges for this month were $9 for 8 minutes. My phones service provider called the number that I *allegedly* called. This number is 215-732-0958. My service representative told me that when you call the number, it just hangs up and there's nothing there.

The USBI people first told me that they didn't have the information regarding who the number belonged to. Then when pressed, they told me that it was an *adult* chat line. That is laughable, since I am the only adult in the home. No one else would have been able to access an adult line. But since my phone number is still listed with my former husband's name in adition to mine, the USBI person just assumed that there was someone else who could have made the call.

My phone company representative told me that USBI does this ALL the time! All the time! Why are they allowed to continue creating fraudulent phone charges? She also recommended that I file charges with the FCC. Which I may yet do.

I am beyond furious at this company, and they had better hope I never see charges from them on my phone bill again.

Company: Usbi
Country: USA
Phone: 8884778724
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