Progressive Office Products - IDC Servco
Ripoff Unauthorized delivery and invoicing of exorbitantly overpriced product

Shops, Products, Services

IDC Servco (IDC) appears to be the "shipping agent" for Progressive Office Products (POP). No contact information for POP can be found beyond what was given by IDC: a phone number (800) 962-1691. This number is no more than a voice mail service.

A package arrived from IDC containing two boxes of copier toner and an invoice. The toner was invoiced at $349/ea ($49 at Staples), shipping was invoiced at $90.74. Total amount due upon receipt was $788.74.

Most disturbing, my name was on the package.

I have been with my company not more than two weeks, in which time I have not once been contacted or entered into conversation of any manner, verbal or written, regarding the copier or toner for the copier. I have repeatedly explained that the person whose position I am filling is no longer with the company, and that I have taken over that position.

If POP / IDC called me (which they must have, they have my name) this was most certainly the discussion which took place.

At no time was authorization for delivery/invoicing given.

We don't want toner at 7x the retail value. We have other ways in which we spend money.

IDC seems to have been receptive, agreeing to pick up the package with no shipping charges and no restocking charges. It is yet to be determined whether IDC will actually pick up the product, and whether POP will actually take it back. Nonetheless, we're not paying $800 for something I can walk across the street and get for $98. Especially when we didn't agree to anything.

Very frustrating, disturbing and aggravating.

Company: Progressive Office Products - IDC Servco
Country: USA
State: California
City: Culver City
Address: 3962 Landmark Street P.O. Box 1925
Phone: 8004469835
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Progressive Office Products
IDC Servco Copy Toner Rip-Off Scam

Progressive Office Products, IDCSERVCO
Ripoff fraudulent office products

Progressive Office Products
Ripoff stated they were from our Copier company increase in price for toner requested immediate return on signed authorization to ship us one last toner at previous rate before the increase

Copier Customer Service
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Supply Distribution & Information Network
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Progressive Office Products IDCSERVCO
PROGRESSIVE OFFICE PRODUCTS Fraudulant order for copier supplies ripoff

IDC ServCo
Fraudulent, Ripoff

IDC SERVCO/Interstate Distribution
Has tried for over a year to scam my office - almost weekly calls

Supply Central Distribution, INC
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Warehouse Services Center, INC./ IDCSERVCO
Toner SCAM, they lie and are both in on it! Ripoff