Majestic Benefits

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I have been trying to contact this so called "company" for several months now. As like most of you I listened to the script very carefully, looking for any catch 22's. She assured me that there were none again and again - also giving me more and more "free gifts" that would be included. So I continued to listen, giving her most all of my information when it came out about the 2yr subscription that you have to keep with them in order to receive their "Benefits". I then stated to the woman that I did not want to join after learning the scam. So that's end, right?

Wrong, Not even a week later I receive a package stating that the package was missing a few things but I would receive them shortly. It was that day that I called and called and called... And so on.

After weeks of repeatedly calling and getting know where I finally reached a "Real" person. But when stated to them that I indeed did not purchase this package. They stated to me that they had no records showing that had purchased it either.

Shortly there after I had a big chunk of change debited from my bank account by none other than Majestic!!! And have still to this day not been able to reach a body to get MY MONEY BACK!!!

Tracy a
Coeur d Alene, Idaho

Company: Majestic Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: P.O. Box 2571
Phone: 8663840341
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Majestic Benefits
Rip Off

Majestic Benefits
Ripoff they lied decieved and stole my information and money New York

Majestic Benefits
Ripoff, scam artist, theives, liars, bad credit devils

Majestic Benefits
Ripoff fraudulent dishonest

Majestic Benefits
Ripoff, after cancellation they still with draw my money

Majestic Benefits

Majestic Benefits
Judy Sonders ripoff Judy sonders of majestic benefits approved me for a $5000 mastercard took $299 from my account and i never recieved anything.internet

Majestic Benefits
Big Scam, Can Not Be Trusted, Not a Credit Card Company

Majestic Benefits
Ripoff of 299 dollars

Majestic Benefits
Ripoff, bogus credit card offe