Cingular Wireless
Phone Service ripoff, a dishonest company who doesn't care for the people that keep them in business

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I got a phone from cingular wireless online. I had it activate and I had it for 5 days and it wouldn't take a charge and it went all the way down. So it was no good. You couldn't use it. I frist went to their store but they couldn't help and didn't try.

After a few days with them telling me to take it to one of their store they told me to mail it back and sent me the address to do just that. I did. They said when they got it back they would send me a new one in 24 hour but they didn't. I gave them a few weeks and I started calling and sending them e-mail asking for my new phone.

For 6 weeks I call checking on this and they said they hadn't got it back. They had. I was waiting on my phone... They changed my plan for a higher one and didn't send a phone but a bill for $175.00 for that 5 days. I told them I wouldn't pay it. I was only going to pay for the service and time I use. I wasn't going to pay that till I got a new one.

When I called who they told me to, I was told he couldn't send me a new one because my account had been cancel by some one. He didn' know who. Each month I got a bill just like I had the phone and I've sent 4 letter to the office in Dallas Texas asking for help with this.

They couldn't write me back or try to help but they could give it to a collection and they sent me a letter asking for $395.00 for not filling the contract. The way I see it, it was them that didn't fill the contract. This is a very unfair company and I'm going to file with FCC and any one I need to about this.

They want you to let them do anything they want to you and you just take it. We can't do it any more. There other dishonest company out here and you must stop and say no more. If any one can file with the FCC and we can all help each other.

Company: Cingular Wireless
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: 1350 Independent Pkwy
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