Boyajian Law Offices, PC
Contacting me over three medical bills one from 99, one from 00, one from 02 Ripoff

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They are contacting me over three medical bills from Provena United Samaritans Medical Center.

I have repeatedly asked for itemized bills, and at first they said it would be no problem. I have now been waiting for the bills since March.

The first letters were sent to the wrong address, but I still got them because the mail lady knew me. They now claim that they sent the itemized bills certified, but they were sent back to them returned for a wrong address. My question is, how did I get the letters asking for money sent to the wrong address, but they sent certified to the correct address what I requested and it got returned. I don't think they ever really mailed out anything.

They have agreed to let me pay $100 a month to pay off the $893 that I owe them, but refuse to send the bills back out to me, nor will they send me proof that the certified mail was returned to them (i.E. A copy of the envelope.)

My question is: If I pay on this, what proof do I have that I really owe this in the first place? And if I do pay them all $893 dollars, I have no proof of the dates of service or what bills they are, so they could turn around and send me more bills and I would have no proof of what bills I actually paid, because they refuse to send me anything detailed at all.

They told me that they would send me out the itemized bills again, but then my payment agreement would be null and void, and that I would be responsible for the entire $893 dollars within 72 hours. They basically want me to pay, and them not have to send me anything for proof of what exactly I am paying. I have told them repeately that as long as they send me proof I will pay, all I want is proof. Can anyone help me?

Company: Boyajian Law Offices, PC
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Rutherford
Address: 201 Route 17 North, 5th Floor
Phone: 8007932354
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