Cat Communication International - CCI
Complete ripoff and Misrepresentation

Shops, Products, Services

In January I made the no so sound decision to use CCI becuase thier add sounded great, (free unlimited long distance, unlimited local, call waiting caller ID ect...). I soon found out it was merely a scam!

I had thier so called free long distance for all of 1 week and could not even call a block away from my home which was local, not only could I not call out of my area code I could not call numbers that would have been considered reginal calling not long distance. I had to call them far too manty times and spoke with several different people none of which could nor would they even try.

Many were rude and very unprofessional. One socalled representaive kept me on hold for 35 minutes and then cutme off, when I called back the next rep. Told me Abd Iquote her 'you were on with the lastperson for 35 minutes and I am not going to deal with that' needless to say I decided with all the companies I could go with CCI is/was not worth the stress, so I called to ask them to disconnect the service And I would take my business else where.

Again there was another problem I would have to wait (ARGH) I PAid them $61.45 up front for! Week service JAnuary27 thru February2. When I faxed the so called manager a long letter with my grivence, which included a long list of all the times I'd called and the repesentatives name I'd spoken with, as well as requesting a refund for the service I would not be using. No one responded!

Of course being disabled I need a phone and $61dollars is alot of money to pay for service your not receiving. I continued to call and was finally told recently (after a year) that I will not recive a refund because I did get service.

GOd help anyone who falls for this companies bull It will cost in the end. Of courseI still hope somehow this company will have to pay retrobution to all the people they have Ripped OFF.! No one should have to pay for such sloppy service and poor business practices.

Company: Cat Communication International - CCI
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Roanoke
Address: Po Box 13167
Phone: 8889892900
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