Tax Ready and NADN
Tax Ready-Biggest rip off in history

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I heard National Audit Defense Network personel on one of the radio stations and asked for their free offer tax reduction book which they charged $6.95 for shipping.

A few days later they called and pressured me to join their coaching program for $995. I went and saw their website and it sounds good and thought that it ought to be a legitimate business. Without having a chance to look at my last year's income tax, they guaranteed me that I will get $3000 or more above what I normally get. I decided not to join the first time. Again, they called me a few days later and guranteed that if I'm not satisfied for any reason within 30 days that they will refund my $995 no question ask. I took the offer. The guranteed seems faired.

Couple days later I heard my wife said something about a tax scam on the news and I was concerned about the offer I took with Tax Ready. They have already charged my account. I called them back and was unable to reach them. I called several times a day and the "this mail box is full" message kept coming up. No service. No live operator. On one occasion I was able to leave them a message which they never did return. I did not give up. I kept calling them back hopefully to be able to talk to someone. Finally, I got a hold of someone and she said to fax a cancellation letter with my signature to 1-702-220-9745 and they will issue a refund within three business days. Five business days later, nothing happened.

Every call after that, they said the computer is broken and they have no access to my account. One of the excuses was "someone will call you within 24 hours". Two days later nothing happened. I called them back and they said, "we never said that". I tried several times and they give me other excuses such as: "this is the wrong department, we don't know anything about your account;", or they will give me an extension such as 2296 and I tried but it was nothing.

I called one time and was able to get to their voice mail boxes. I left messages to more than five mail boxes. Three days later, Mr. Kevin Smothers called about the refund. He said he was the Diretor of Client Resolution Department for Tax Ready. He told me he had received my refund faxed letter. After a few intent to convince me to stay with the coaching system, I refused and I told him that I want nothing more than a refund. He, again, tried to convince me to stay. I told him that there is no other route that I would take other than issuing me a refund. He offered 50% off the $995 and asked that I stay and if I'm happy with the result that I write a testimony letter for Tax Ready. Again, I refused. I told him that I have bad experiences with the company already and that this was enough for me. I had to tell him several times before he said that he will issue my refund within three days. Five days later, nothing happened. No refund.

Today, 2/21/02 I called and was able to get a hold of customer support agent and related to him that I was supposed to get my refund three days ago and that I spoke to Kevin about this already. He said "I don't know why Kevin told you that. It doesn't happened like that, but your money will be refunded to you as soon as possible and have a nice day." and slam the phone. Ten minutes later, I called back and spoke to Carlos. He said "the system is down, call Monday at extension 2175."

How many more excuses will I get??? Please help me.

Zai Xiong

Company: Tax Ready and NADN
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 4310 South Cameron Street, Suite 11
Phone: 1877658443318004
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