Marc Long-Long's Home Repair And Remodeling
Long's Home Repair And Remodeling Home Remodeling Ripoff

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Shoddy work. Unlevel flooring in my carport converted into living-room. Nail heads left protruding under vinyl kitchen flooring—bumps in surface.

He kept receipts I reimbursed him for (perhaps to deduct as tax expenses). When I requested the originals, he became angry, telling me they were his property, even though I repaid him dollar-for-dollar!

Charged me $55.00 per hour for labor... I learned near the end (although I could have guessed) that this was his first "big" job beyond small home repairs.

Sub-contracted his non-licensed plumber friend to do my indoor plumbing using a licensed plumber's license. When his friend made errors in the work—I was charged extra for the work!!! I even had to pay to have the kitchen sink plumbing reworked when MARC figured the placement wrong! His non-licensed plumber buddy incorrectly installed the toilet in a 1/2 bath and water leaked on the plywood floor... Making it uneven.

Just as bad, when Marc removed water heater venting from the same 1/2 bath, he didn't seal the roof shingles... Water leaked in and on the floor and ruined it further... Guess who paid for those mistakes and paid for materials and time in labor to repair! Me!!!

Used materials purchased for my home remodeling to do other repair jobs. Took materials I paid for that were stored under my basement and returned to the store for refund (which he kept). He got advantekt out of my basement without permission after he was finished with most of the work. He tried to explain that it was not advantek but 1/2" OSB that he "took back for a refund but didn't get anything because it had water damage (another piece he) hauled to the landfill".

When Marc went on a cruise mid-work, he asked me to pay his "helper". I was home while the worker was there (or most often NOT there)... He left for lunch and didn't come back several days... And overcharged me. I paid the worker, thinking Marc would make things right when he returned... Marc didn't, he said it was "word against word", even though my sheetrock man was here most of the days and could verify his helper wouldn't return after lunch!

Marc made many errors during the work... I paid him hourly while he was doing something wrong... And then paid for more materials and hourly when he repaired it.

The kitchen cabinet builder (Marc's buddy again) also has tried to rip me off by first "forgetting" that I paid for a lazy susan and trying to get out of an appliance garage. Marc even admitted the guy was trying to rip me off-yet he still uses the same cabinet guy... (birds of a feather... Flock together).

Marc installed a glass shower door INSIDE OUT, became angry when I demanded he get it out of my house and refund my money so I could find someone who knew what they were doing... Marc said he'd fix it while I was at work... He broke the glass door and lied on my voice mail that he had to get parts for the repair... (As if the glass he left in my bathroom and my shopvac wouldn't have tipped me off!)

When my phone lines recently stopped working after a storm, I called the phone company for a repair... He said that whomever (Marc) installed the new siding on my house put the phone wiring box back incorrectly, allowing the water to fill the box... DUH!

I could go on and on with many more blunders but I think you get the idea.

I don't care how many times a week Marc sings in church or whatever... His actions tell volumes about what kind of person he truly is.

Company: Marc Long-Long's Home Repair And Remodeling
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Rome
Address: 9 Graben Drive
Phone: 7062520460
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