Marc J. Keep
Deadbeat Dad Uses Money for Hookers Instead of Child Support


My son's father, Marc Keep, is a constant source of frustration for me. He will do anything to avoid paying child support. Our son is 13, and at this point, Marc owes me over $24,000 in back child support. He is in construction, and usually manages to work under the table so that he will not be forced to pay child support or file taxes.

That is, when he works. He has been in and out of jail and rehab over the past 10 years, for drug charges, home invasions, weapons charges, etc. Marc prefers to leech off of other people instead of support himself. He is currently living with his brother. He recently moved from Mass. To Florida WITHOUT telling our son! It's been 4 months, and our son keeps asking me when his Dad is coming back from vacation.

Marc also has another child, an 11 month-old daughter, with another woman. He does not consistenly send her child support either. And he has a DSS case against him with that child. He also left that woman high and dry, with a small child to raise alone. She ended up losing her job, and now has to collect benefits from the state.
Over the last 2 years, Marc was working for some small-time construction remodeling company and making money. I had him on my cell phone plan at one point to help him out (PLEASE don't question my sanity!), and after seeing numerous late night calls on his cell #, and having him tell me he wasn't working because he had been sick, I did a little investigating. I tracked down the phone numbers he was calling at 1 or 2 in the morning, and guess what? They were "Escort Services". Yes, he was spending MY child support money on hookers!
He was also "friends" with this hooker Kim that he had met through rehab. And he would take her shopping, buy her all kinds of clothes, helped her buy a car, and brought that filthy pig around my son!

Marc also physically attacked the mother of his other baby with my son and her other child in the next room. My son knew something bad was happening, and was very scared and upset over the whole incident. This is a repeating pattern with Marc, he was verbally & physically abusive with me as well.

I am writing this today to warn any future "girlfriends" before they get involved with Marc. Save yourself alot of trouble and heartache, before getting involved with Marc, do yourself a favor - spend $29.95 and get a background check on Marc. See for yourself, don't take my word for it!

Company: Marc J. Keep
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft Myers
Address: 8031 Pangola Dr
Phone: 2398722891
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