Nextel Communications
Deceptive Trade Practices Ripoff Extortionists For Early Termination Fees Not Owed BEWARE

Shops, Products, Services

I started service in Dec with two phones. I ordered them over the phone from Nextel, after looking them up on Nextel's web site. I got the phones, and they worked. The service was sub-standard compared, but I stuck it out dealing with dropped calls, inability to use direct connect when it was busy ect...

A month before my year in hell was up, I called and verified that I would not be breaking my contract, and obtained the contract end date in Dec. I cancelled service three days after my contract was up.

NOW, I get a bill for $234.00 for early cancellation. I called and after about an hour, found out that only ONE of the two phones had a year contract-the other one was for TWO years-according to them. I told them this was not the case, and was asked how much I paid for the phones. This would allow them to determine when the contracts were up-so they said. Finally, to no avail, I was told that I am screwed, to pay up, they can't help.

WELL, SCREW NEXTEL! I won't pay them *it, ever. I will dispute this and have begun the process of filing complaints with the BBB, PUC ect...

It probably won't do any good, but it beats getting bent over and stuck in the ass for $200.00. I wonder why I was NEVER TOLD that I had two contracts on one account? So they could steal more money from me! THIEVES!

Bellaire, Texas

Company: Nextel Communications
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: P.O. Box 4191
Phone: 8004566070
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Nextel Wireless
Early Termination fees - cell phone and Direct connect

Ripoff company they won't cancel the contract because they say the phone don't have to work for them to fullfill their part

Ripoff, Moved - No Service, Can't Cancel Contract Due to Termination Fees

Service sucks!

Ripping me off by charging me $200 for canceling service after 1yr contract is over. Deceptive company tricked and lied to us

Bait and switch, failed to provide equipment as contracted ripoff

Sprint Won't Cancel contract Illinois

Nextel Partners
Ripoff early cancellation over charges poor coverage

Ripoff i want to get out of contract

Nextel should be shutdown for not telling the truth and taking customers money!