Dish Network
Ripoff true grinch that stole our christmas Springfield, Missouri

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Me and my husband signed up for dish network about six months ago. We recently cancelled our service about a month and a half ago.

We called up Dish Network and arranged for them to pick up our equipment. They came and got our equipment the next day. They credited my debit card for the amount they owed us. As far as we knew we were done with this company.

But what we didn't know was that they thought we still had the cable box.instead of contacting us through mail or phone, they decided to take $300.00 dollars out of our bank account.

We were shocked to find out that we had no money in the bank. Checks have bounced because the money in the bank was for bills and grocerys.

I contacted Dish Network on Monday (1-13-04) to inform them of their error. They apologized and said they would credit my debit card back the $300.00 dollars. I also asked to be reimbursed the amount Im out on bounced checks. Thay said that they dont do this.

Now today (12-15-04) I spoke with six different people and received about six different storys. Im still waiting for my $300.00 dollars. I finally spoke to a man in the executive office who said to send in my bank statements and that they might reimburse me for bounced checks.

I have just decided to take them to small claims court and to call my local T.V. Station. They took money that was not owed to them and have created a mess that they expect me to clean up. I have five children and this is a lot of money to us. Dish Network seems to forget its familys like mine that have made them the success that they are.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8003333474
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