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Verizon collects profits from every customer whose modam is hi-jacked.

I contacted verizon explaining the long dostence charges found on my phone bill and had a very interesting story to tell everyone. The hi-jacked modam calls wel to-wheatley ont-casnada exactly 2 min, the other hi-jacked call were to-taipie tw exactly 1 min each. The other hi-jacked calls were to-the united kingdom exactly 2 min, each and to england for 6 min.

Grab your phone bill and look down the list of calls made if you see any calls for exactly one min, or two min, each going to another country than your modam was hi-jacked.

My phone bill was $213.71 total. When i was done talking with verizons specilist who in my opinion was not even close to being a specilist my bill went down to $83.67.
If you dont call the phone co. You will have a big scam bill. What the phone co. Will do is send the disputed call bills back to the company that billed verizon or who every you have for a phone co. Is the company that tryed to bill you for the calls then will have to send you the bill them self insted of using the phone co. And if they do you will have the chance to tell them just what you think.

Company: Verizon
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Worcester
Address: Po Box 15150
Phone: 1805854466
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Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff billing for some web-sit located in the united kingdom

IvrDebit ViseFolsom CACard#
Consumer Report

OAN - Verizon Billing Concepts
OAN - Verizon Outrageous Telephone Scam By OAN Verizon Billing Concepts Rip Off The last billing from Verizon included OAN fee!

USBI And Telliss
Ripoff, miscellaneous charges, verizon phone bill Internet

Put charges on my phone bill that I was unaware of. This went on for yrs

Ripoff, charge on verizon bill to United Kingdom, infuriating


Billed fraudulent 900# calls to my phone bill for calls that I did not make. Ripoff

Verizon Verizon bill

Teleconnect Call Me Central, Verizon Unauthorized charges on my phone bill