Premier Premium Communications
Ripoff billing for some web-sit located in the united kingdom

Internet & Web

I received a bill for calling the united kingdom.
I beleive their are using the latest software for modam highjacking, with this program they search out names, and phone numbers from web sites that you are visiting and your modam is re-directed to the overseas web site most often without you knowing it, sometimes you get a clue your modam is being highjacked you will loose all internet connections or your modam will slow down to a turtals crawl or a repeated ghost pop-up will appear in the left top if your screen.

There was a lady of a talk show three months ago who had her modam highjacked by clicking on a pop-up, her phone bill for that month was for 11,000 dollars and she was stuck with the bill, because the phone co. Claimed they had no idea and simply connected her modam thinking she was trying to log onto the web site. The best thing to do is log onto the government web site and locate the proper channel and file a complaint.

Company: Premier Premium Communications
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Po Box 155579
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Advertisement support and incorrect costs

Premier Premium Communications
United kingdom ripoff fraudulent billing from premier premium communicatins

Premier Premium Communications
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Premier Premium Communications
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Premier Premium Communications
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Premier Premium Communications