Price Break Shipping
Priice break Shipping ripping off college student with unresonable fees

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In September I found out that I had to return home to the U.S. From the U. K where I was attending order for me to be able to come back I had to sell most of my belongings in order to afford my plane ticket. I contacted Price Break Shipping to ship what meager belongings that I had managed to keep of which the majority consists of text books and school notes, but a few pieces that are of senimental value to me and my family, Price break gave me a quote that include door to door service, 30 day free storage, and pickup. I informed them when I booked with them that I was a University Student and was returning home and would have to make payments to pay the shipping bill.

Price break arranged to collect my belongings and I recieved an original quote for $2100.00, once my belongings were collected I recieved the final price for shipping my belongings home of $2640.00, now I can understand the rise of price in the final quote as it is based upon cubic square feet. I returned home and when I was able to contact the shipping company to make my first payment I was treated very rudely and informed that my first payment was not enough and would not be acceptable and was informed that they wanted my total shipping payment in one payment or two at most. I was not given my 30 days free strorage and on top of that I was treated like I was dumb and was called stubid and that I was very bad for not having my shipping fee right away. When I was able to make a sizeable payment I did so with all due haste but was informed that I was incuring fees of $25.00 a day in storage fees.

I informed them that I was struggling and only recieved a paycheck every two weeks and could only make payments wwith my pay checks. When I tried to make my net payment I was informed that my storage fees had already added up to an extrat $550.00 all of this within three weeks. These fees I can understand to a point but also do not feel that they are reasonable in that everytime I make a payment it is wiped out by these fees making things impossible to pay off my shipping bill and to be able to get my personal belongings returned to me. All I want it to be able to pay my shipping bill and recieve my belongings but I am being taken advantage of by this company and being charged unreasonable fees that is causing me to never to be able to pay off my the shipping bill. I have tried contacting the company to try to come to a solution to be able to get my belongings but have now been informed that even though I have already paid $1200.00 my shipping bill now sits at $3768.00 with these added fees. These fees have wiped out not only what I have already paid but have virtually doubled my shipping bill causing me to feel like I have no chance of ever seeing my belongings again or coming up with the needed money to pay off the original bill. The shipping company now wants to file that my shippment as abandoned even though I have been trying to work as much as possible to earn the money needed to pay off the bill but am not being allowed have a payment plan or a flat rate that enables me to pay off the bill instead.

Price Break Shipping has not only been rude when talking to me but have been impossible when it comes to setting up a payment plan because of the continuing storage fees that are being added every day. I have tried constantly to come up with the needed funds but can only give what I make with my paychecks which never seem to be enough for Price Break.

Company: Price Break Shipping
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 116 Central Park South
Phone: 18665669350
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