Direct Buy
Fraud and scam

Internet & Web

I have recently joined Direct Buy and I have not been completely satisfied. It seems as if every time I go and make a purchase initially it seems like a wonderful deal until they give me my form back with the shipping cost. All of my savings that I think I am getting ends up going to my shipping fee.

I made one purchase for $85.00 and my total after shipping and taxes was $153.00!! There went my savings I thought I was getting. Another purchase of 2 items that cost $231.00 each had a shipping fee of $150.00 each! I was shocked.

I was informed in my introduction that I would have to pay shipping fees, but was told that they are usually very reasonable and with some retailers it would be free. I do not think the total price should double after shipping fees. That is not reasonable and they should not lead people to believe that.

I am having a hard time seeing the good that is coming out of my membership. I have not saved any money yet. I'm not giving up hope just yet though. I'm going to attempt a few more purchases to see if they work out better for me. If things go as they have been though I will definitely declare Direct Buy a rip off!

Company: Direct Buy
Country: USA
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