Brandon Watkins Attorney at Law
Brandon Watkins. Failed to show up to a hearing, never submitted court requested documents, billed a forged statement of actions preformed. Lied, knowingly when answering Bar Association complaint filed against him. Sto

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To all whom I can protect!

I am writing and have evidence that Brandon Watkins, attorney of law in Grove OK is dishonest and will torment and cause harm and damage to your life if retained for legal matters! In my case (s) he failed to represent me terribly, he lied cheated and withdrew??? The fact also exists, believe it A process server, when I was at the Jay OK, court house, served me with court order to appear for an Eviction hearing. As I glanced at it and my witnesses asked what in the world this was, Brandon Watkins snatched this document from me and told me to Relax and he would take care of this. That the manager at The Grove Village Apartments was breaking the law. She could not have me evicted, a) no guilty verdict had been determined in my case. B) That I had to have admitted I committed a crime. I am innocent and remember sighing a sigh of relief and feeling good to be able to trust and have a good attorney. Then I asked witnesses, what they remembered about this time in court and there response was, I (we) saw Brandon Watkins, snatch the served papers out of your hands as you were reading over them for understanding. The date for appearing in court was set for April 30, and his exact words, they stated, Brandon Said, Dont worry about it, I will take care of it. To date I have received no copy and nothing ever mailed to me.! Even when he unethically failed to disclose why he was a mad embarrassed temper tantrum immature man about report of wrong doing and misconduct was reported by me, Watkins became more deceitful, harming in every way in court! Lawyers are to have diligence? Well, his misconduct shone brightly he again made promises he failed to keep.!! He then in return withdrew from one case on July 25. Yes he Withdrew 5 days, prior and I was devastated on grounds that my actions prevented him from representing me non bias! Asking for direction here, This really doesnt happen in the year of 2012.. DOES it? God help anyone that can look in the mirror, make up more slander and lies, and go to church and proclaim they are Christians!!! Lawyers have oaths and ethics and conduct guidelines. What is the delay in investigating Brandon Watkins? Please time is of the Essence! Thank you. J Nbefore my hearing!!! The second case he withdrew day of court on July 31.. The day of my hearing and then not until October did he then finally withdraw from my custody case and protection order case! Yet he and staff threatened to have me arrested for harassment. When trying to communicate and get answers to my Life changing Questions!!! He failed over and over to return any emails nor phone calls and his lack of dedication and his opposition of being mad at me reporting him for a NO show to court, He turned tail and used offensive behavior. Lied on correspondences. And the lowest ethical action of all is LIED about the Billing history of our endeavor! I need to protect people seeking competent representation... They will be abused, slandered, and spit on by a hand you feed Thousands and Thousands of dollars too!!!

The bill he sent is a complete falsely documented bill. For example: January 27 he billed me for consultation. I did not ever talk to an employee of or Mr Watkins, until, Feb 2

Then his phone calls to court house to change appearance date (s) charged me 400.00 and 600.00 dollars??? For 10 minutes? Are his actions for Real??? Complete over charge and some meetings that never took place. And the most awful lie of all was having the nerve to tell me he did not show up for apartment hearing because I needed to just move, the landlord just did not like me and why would I want to stay there? When I expressed my concern and sadness of what an eviction would do to my ability to rent again!!! He responded with Oh just tell new landlord that you just didnt get along. I was in utter shock! I had no just lost my home due to the negligence of an Attorney whom I trusted and took the appearance paper I was served from my hand minutes after I was served at the court house during an appearance for my custody case. He later had his secretary Lisa lie and state, I told her not to have Brandon Show up!!! Why?! I now was homeless!!! He withdrew with no ethical conduct and I had been misrepresented, Brandon was dishonest. Deceitful and non-professional. Brandon withheld a report from my daughters counselor written in approx March I received a copy of this after he withdrew around July 31. He told me I was considered a flight risk by the counselor, and she did not recommend shared parenting time at this time. The letter had not one mention of me being considered a flight risk!!! Please let justice and dignity bring this unworthy attorney to be disciplined and not devastate nor destroy another clients life!

Brandon is also in fault of telling me my visits with my daughter were suspended do to me missing one visit. There is nothing entered in the On demand court records that indicate and visits were canceled. What do I do now? I have no money to hire another attorney? For custody case? Brandon withdrew because of me reporting him to you about the NO Show for April 30

Help this is unbelievable.

So now he never reported a hair follicle test I completed in Feb to the court and the court had a due date of March 6, to the court... Never entered that I have had no visits with my daughter since April and they granted a 5 year protective order to my daughters father when I was sick in CO and had doctors report of not being able to travel. He obtained this after raping me in Sept stealing all my court papers, belongings, and dignity and was not ever ordered to return anything!!! Took all clothes I had purchased for our daughter, my prescription glasses and only returned half of each bathing suit and earrings I owned. Never gave back an appraised ring valued at 1,863.00. I resided in a Safe House in Grove Ok for 5 days and then with Gods grace found my apartment in Oct and then I was evicted on May 2.2012 Brandon never set my case for Trial

He only waived the preliminary hearing, and mis-lead me on this as well. I am innocent and will right letters, Have contacted the ACLU, the women rights advocates and am now corresponding with Media and will in near future contact Ms. Glory Alred... This cant happen as I have done nothing wrong but be at the disposal of my daughters wealthy father who will pay any amount of money to anyone to try and keep me from my rights as a mother. I have to grown college graduate sons, wonderful Mom and Dad, and am done with the one sided even my attorney worked against me

This needs investigated and Brandon needs to refund 1,800.00 from my payment of 2,500.00.. We had one hearing for custody and Watkins appearance at preliminary took 12 minutes not over 3 hours as billed!!! Proof is pulling the court minutes and showing his demoralized values!!

He also said above and beyond his ethical duties? Ask about his assistant running down the school bus when they forgot a visit? Ask why they just happened to make a courtesy call to my land lord, days before hearing was scheduled? Then lie and say, not handling case? I told him not to go!!! By making a few calls that established my confidence of my attorney handling this. I was never told at any time he could not be at that hearing?! I havent even gone to court again. He is wrong and I can not rent now! He needs to be held accountable I am not a scholar nor can type completely correct. But I need to help society by having Brandon Watkins answer to his Unethical, Misconduct and False billing practices. The thought of another church going, God fearing single mother, relocated from Colorado. Alone in Oct be treated like this. The justice system in this case needs to look at Brandon Watkins and his highly fraudulent and unethical practicing of the LAW in Oklahoma.

God Speed. God Bless

Company: Brandon Watkins Attorney at Law
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Grove
Address: 1305 S. Main st, Grove OK 74344
Phone: 9187872060
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