Northstar Alarm
Contract Cancellation


After awaiting our 36-month agreement to become up for restoration, we went with another alarm calling to demand termination of ongoing providers, we were informed that people had a need to offer written termination also it might consider 60-days for the cost to prevent being taken from our consideration. Within this evening in era where anything is really program produced, why the 60-day time period to organize our consideration to be terminated. We waited out our 36-month contract. We've settled each month promptly, no-questions asked, with small support offered. It's incredible that I'll have to continue spending money on providers we're not utilizing for a 2 weeks ($80.00)... And in the looks of issues centered on additional evaluations, it'll be considerably longer given that they may shed my fax and proceed subtracting our cost. Absurd!!!

Company: Northstar Alarm
Country: USA
State: Utah
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North Star Alarm Services
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