Won't let me cancel service


Employed this support for 6 years. Discovered before I shut my company that after I shifted the company three years before they never transformed the tracking tackle. Requested to alter it two or three differing times after I discovered & had false alarm calls. Today my company is shut & they WOn't stop my support. They say I'm under contract. I've no company to check & no resources & they nevertheless WOn't stop regardless of their mistake of checking the incorrect company for three years.

Company: Counterforce
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
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Titan Alarm sticking it to me for inadequate system, won't cancel/negotiate/let me talk to superviso

Fifth Third Bank
Cannot handle an address change

Security Alliance Center
Stay away

Counterforce USA &alarm system
Alarm didn't work, crooked billing practices

Cancellation Policy

My Alarm Center
Poor service

Counterforce USA
Their Contract is a RipOff

Alarm One
Terrible company

CounterForce USA, Counter Force Alarm Systems, Alarm Processing Co., A-Link U.S.A
How many lies can they tell? Unauthorized billing, "I dont know", Garbage Hardware, No Service Internet

Counterforce USA
Counterforce Alarm Systems, Alarm Processing Co, A-Link USA, UTC Fire & Security Company Charges Bogus and Inflated Termination fees without performing the Service!