Da vinci Teeth Whitening
Stole copy righted material

Scam, Fake

Davinci Teethwhitening took before and after images off endlesssmilespa.com site. After I discovered they'd obtained my images and therefore are utilizing them as their before and after due to their site declaring its from their item when really i never purchased something from their website. They're fake declaring its their images from utilizing the davinci program and beware the are lieing. Unlimited smile club possesses the images and certainly will show it. I've the originals plus they were obtained on the camera using the day in it. They told me easily may show they're mine they'd take away the images plus they still havent and they'll not react back again to me. They're an extremely un-professional organization. And responsible because why otherwise wouldnt they react back again to me or show-me the top they've when they possessed the images. They've popped the images which means you cant see-the birthmarks i told them my design is wearing the top region but I've published out the images they employed before they popped them. And that I told them they never transformed the file-name they'd exactly the same file-name I'd utilized however now they transformed everything of the quick. When they were this type of fantastic organization and also you got such excellent outcomes using their items why could they've to grab another businesses images??? Therefore the before nad after images on the website www.davincilite.com amd www.davincicolorado.com are endlesssmilespa images they never required them or could it be from their item. Therefore be familiar with them. They lay and grab. These images are copyrighted i taken care of them to become plus they took them off my website. They mentioned a supply delivered them to davinci. They're lieing im alone using the images. They ripped and pasted them for their website.


Owner of endlesssmilespa

Company: Da vinci Teeth Whitening
Country: USA
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Getty Images
Practices are legalized extortion

Portrait Innovations
Cd is a crock!

Getty Images
Getty Images Review - Getty Images Extortion

Andre Felix Photographer
Ripoff Has Created a Website with our name to blackmail, extort and slander our company

GingerSnaps Photography
Didn't get all things paid for and photographer stopped communication

Replacement arrived and still wrong... Absolutely shocking! - Heart shaped mosaic canvas

Walmart studio

Redbubble Using my business name for free advertisement in Google image search

Interweb Drama
Underage Images and Child Pornography

Pictures turn out orange