False charges

Scam, Fake

These folks named my spouseis mobile phone to request information on herself and that I. He's your physician and originally believed he was speaking with people about items he orders for his workplace... Till they began asking questions about me. They got both of our charge card numbers (which he didn't provide them with quarry) and billed people for items we didn't actually obtain. They charged us 86.93 for every people. Then 6 days later billed people for another 86.93 each. To get a whole of 347.72 bucks... Then we began to observe costs from and worldfit and blizzard wow... It seems that their organization chose to utilize our card numbers everywhere to get a whole of 700.00... We'd to shut our acct and exactly what a trouble... Our lender is considering this issue however they possibly have gotten away withit since I have have experienced a lot of grievances on this website.

Company: Smilebright/dazzle
Country: USA
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