Universal Fidelity, LP
Legal Successor of Jollywood Video Received collection notice regarding $13.47 balance. Per their suggestion, wrote letter refusing to pay for charges I did not make. What took so long (18 months) to get a notice

Recreation & Entertainment

I received a "notice" from Universal Fidelity about 2 rented movies from November. The total amount due was $13.47. On the third call to the Pay by Phone phone number I reached a person.

I expressed to them that I had no intention of paying this bill for movies that I did not ever rent - movies that I, in fact, had never heard of. Also questioned why, even if such rentals had occurred, why did it take approximately 18 months to notify me.

They advised that I had to send my comments in writing, which I have done. I think this is a giant ripoff!!

Company: Universal Fidelity, LP
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: P O Box 219785
Phone: 12816474156
Site: payuflp.com
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Universal Fidelity, LP
Received bill for $148 for fees on dvds I did NOT rent from Hollywood Video in 2009!

Universal Fidelity, LP
Hollywood Video / Movie Gallery, Inc. Sent me a bill from collections for $19.16 from 06/18/09 for movies supposably I rented, never ever rented or watched

Universal Fidelity, LP Legal Successor of Hollywood Video
DVD Rental

Universal Fidelity, LP
Consumer Report

Universal Fidelity LP
Legal Succesors of Hollywood Video Bogus Late Fees

Legal Successor of Hollywood Video/Movie Gallery Inc
Universal Fidelity, LP False billing, fraudulent billing, billing for goods and services not received

Universal Fidelity, LP
Claims I owe fees to the "Legal Successor of Hollywood Video" with no valid documentation

Universal Fidelity, LP
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Universal Fidelity LP
Legal Successor of Hollywood Video Fraudulent Debt Collection

Universal Fidelity, LP
Legal successor of Hollywood Video Hollywood Never Died