Stage Front Tickets Inc
Ticket liquidators Resold tickets at double the face value, Black marketing

Recreation & Entertainment

I purchased 2 tickets for the Dave Metthews Band concert at Madison Square Garden, New york City for the 13th of November from stagefront tickets through plum benefits since ticketmaster did not have any tickets available. Their website quoted me the tickets at $143.00 each which I purchased by credit card. I was also charged 2 X 21.45 service fee as well as $25 delivery fee which was also quoted up front. The total I was charged was $353.90 I received my tickets on 11/11/10 and was shocked to find that the tickets showed a face value of $75 each. Stagefront tickets had charged me almost double the face value of the tickets. Tickets which I should have had for around $150 I had paid around $315 for. On speaking to a customer representative for stagefront I was told that stagefront buys the tickets from ticketmaster in bulk as soon as the tickets are available there and holds them. Thus the common public (like me) do not get access to them. They wait for the demand to rise and then sell them at inflated prices thus creating a secondary market through other companies (In my case ticket liquidators) that further inflate the price. This is tantamount to black marketing. I am shocked that they are doing this openly. I cannot believe that this is not against the law and that they are brazenly touting this as their business model. Reselling tickets at a 10%-20% commission/service charge is one thing but selling them for more than double the original price is CRIMINAL. I bought tickets not from an individual but from a company for more than double the original value (I paid $343 when they tickets cost only $150). How can that be fair and legal??

Company: Stage Front Tickets Inc
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Laurel
Address: 14502 Greenview Drive Ste 200
Phone: 3019531163
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Stub Hub
Stubhub overpriced tickets - Tickets for Disney Rock on Ice

Ticketnetwork Direct - Ticket Liquidators
Should be known as Ticket Scalpers I bought tickets on line. I pid $120 for tickets, having a face value of $65.50. The hndling fee was $29, plus $15 to ship. The tkts were purchased from ticketmaster and changed to this company

Tickets Reselle

Front Row Tickets
Ticket Scalping Rippoff

Tickets Now/a Ticketmaster Company
Tickets Now - A TICKETMASTER Company Over charging service fees. Watch out Service fee is PER TICKET! Not a single fee

Coast to Coast Tickets
Ticket Scalping

My Ticket Tracker
Sold Overpriced Tickets to kids and the e-tickets are not in our name

Come Together Tickets
Consumer Report

Ticketmaster-Peachtree Tickets
Ticket scalping for event tickets
Consumer Report