VIP Beware Field Scout rep for Talent Agency Scam

Recreation & Entertainment

Beware of a scam company known as FindMyAudition. They are advertising in the help wanted section of Craigslist. They were ostensibly looking for scout reps for their talent agency. Their ad talked about getting into the entertainment industry and how great it would be working with them. Well, I submitted my resume and a few days later received an email stating that they would like for me to come in for an interview at 12:30 pm. When I got there, there were like 20 people waiting to be "interviewed".. (Red Flag 1) It's a bit tacky and unprofessional to schedule an interviewee at 12:30 then have him wait along with like 20 others in need of work.

We filled out a brief form, not even a real application and a lady told everyone to head to the back and have a seat. When we were all seated, I noticed a dvd movie playing on a widescreen TV. She turned it off and began her "pitch" about how the entertainment industry is recession-proof and this is a huge business and then she began dropping names and titles of folk who associated with her company. (Red Flag 2) Basically, have you drink the Kool Aid. Not to my surprise she threw in another dvd of like super nobodys claiming industry success. I even noticed an old washed up rapper named Kangol from the group UTFO who hadn't been out since like 1988!! Sure, he can tell you how to be a success. Lol. She passed out a compensation pay scale form to us and it referenced "enrolling" talent and how we should approach at least 30 people in a day to have them "enroll" in their agency as would-be actors, singers and models wanting to get in the industry. (Red flag 3) No hourly wage? No salary? All commission-based.

She mentioned going to open-mikes, and other events to scout talent and how you needed to be a go-getter and hustle hard. We each were then interviewed separately by a woman who spoke in a foreign accent. She looked over my resume, asked a few questions and I then asked her how much would the talent have to pay to enroll? She said $595.00.

You get like a slave commission off of each enrollment. I'm like what aspiring talent has that kind of money in this economy to give to an agency with no connections? And why would I pound the pavement all day and night searching for talent to get them to pay that large sum in hopes of them achieving their dreams? I would have to pay for club entry, drinks, gas and lord knows what else. She said I was hired and I politely said thanks but no thanks and got out of there. I was a victim of time-wasted, clothes dry-cleaned by a company preying on the jobless and aspiring talent. Stay far away from these scoundrels.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Company: FindMyAudition
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 125 South St
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