The Showbiz Expo
Showbiz Expo - unqualified and absolute fraud, Waste of Time, ineptitude and mismanagement

Recreation & Entertainment

The Film, Stage & ShowBiz Expo is a disaster of an event & company. Where do I begin to try and convey the unqualified and absolute fraud that this event turned out to be. We exhibited here last year in New York we were promised that there would be 8-10 thousand attendees and that they would help to brand us and build loyalty among the young, professional, and demographically-diverse entertainment industry.

I would have settled for a thousand attendees and didn't even get close to that, more like a few hundred attendees at best! The exhibitors were distraught and inconsolable at the ineptitude and mismanagement of this event. I heard that the majority of ShowBiz Expo's so called sponsors are fabricated and unauthorized resulting in requests for retractions and or damages.

Overall this was a complete waste of time for all! They offered me a booth there for 1k and as the event deadline drew closer the price went down to a few hundred dollars! Who does that? The desperation was palpable and would not recommend wasting 10 min. On this event either as an exhibitor or an attendee.

I read on their website that they are moving to Los Angeles this year as well to look for new customers (Suckers) to target. You have been forewarned do your homework and explore the alternatives to this event.

Waste of Time

Company: The Showbiz Expo
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 440 Ninth Avenue, 8th Floor
Phone: 2124042345
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PDM Healthcare
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Rescue Rangers OPES
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Yvondia Herring, Executive Director
Central Florida Black Expo No Refund from Postponed Event

Expo Enterprises
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Her Life Magazine
Erin Klink

PDM Healthcare - Ashish Gupta
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Expo Media
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Date and Dash
They hired me to host an event and never paid me what they owe me