Comedy After Hours Bob Burke
Bad checks liar cheat thief las vegas nevada

Recreation & Entertainment

Bob Burke, who owns Comedy After Hours, does not honor his contracts. We are in receipt of three checks amounting to $18,750.00 that have bounced not once but twice. He also still owes us another $18,750.00 per the contract bearing his signature. Beware of his tactics for non payment, this guy will stoop to the lowest of low reasons on why not to pay.

Here is just one example. The S.E.C. Is frozen my assets. When we were told that, we then contacted the S.E.C. And found that to be completely false. He even had false paperwork to show us.

The other excuse he love to use is his disabled child. It is sad enough that he has a child that is disabled, but then to use that child to his own advantage is appalling to me as a parent.

If you feel you are desperate enough to have to do a gig with this guy or his company, get cash up front before performing.

Company: Comedy After Hours Bob Burke
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: 301 Fremont Street, Las Vegas, NV
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