Tickets My Way
What a brutal RIPOFF!

Recreation & Entertainment

My husband bought me tickets for Christmas! Tickets my way charged us in the middle of december for the tickets... Now it is 3 days before the event and we still don't have the tickets, they have our money and say that they don't have us on their computer! Well how the hell did we get charged and get their phone number that isn't even on their website, except that we hace caller ID and when they called we got their number, finally to trace to them, since the one on the website doesn't work! And the funny thing is that the girl that had called us, I asked for her and they say no one by that name works there! Obviously they are idiots and are fraudulent!

To top everything the manager (so she says that's her position) is a complete bitch and extremely rude and they just didn't want to deal with me because I know my rights!

I hope these guys get caught and shut down! Get a real job if you want to make money, instead of scaming the hardworking people of today's society!

Kincardine, Ontario

Company: Tickets My Way
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 3131 Meade Ave. Ste C
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Ripoff, tickets promised, never received, credit card charged!