Ipoff, scam, lies, cheating, delays all of the above California

Recreation & Entertainment

This company is actually very clever how they back pedal back to their "Term and Conditions" never addressing the customers problems just stating "well if you would read the Terms and Conditions you will see you are getting everything we said we would give you".

Like other people mention before me, there is nothing in the terms that describes their customer cost structure or the price per video to make a profit (which is around $2) which they will never cop to. When you complain the videos seem to come much faster then they revert back to their delay tactics a month or so later. I actually tracked every DVD I got for the first 12 mo. And on the average I was getting 12-16 with a $20 package. 99% of the time I sent back the movie the day after I got it even if I watched it or not because I was tracking things, and the more movies I got the worse it became.

I know the delays can be proved with by tracking the locations where your movies are shipped. Out of about 130 movies only about 30 (23%) were coming from the hub closest to me.

When I spoke to Netflix about this a woman by the name of Kristy Gray said he records showed all but 5 came from the closet hub. This was a brilliant lie and the lies kept coming from her. She eventually lied about our conversations enough to justify a full cancelation of my account with out warning, but when asked to provide proof of this none could be provided.

Rather then grabbing the bull by the horns the Netflix people choose to avoid things completely and just cancel to get rid of me. I guess when I pay $19.95 a mo. I expect honesty and integrity to be priorities of the company I do business with. Look at all these complaints on this site alone they tried to make me feel like I was a person that had no argument and they were doing things legit. I suggest places like the BB8ureau to file, file, file, file all day long!

The quality of these DVD's are garbage as well 8 out of 10 movies received skipped so bad they were practically un-watchable. They would consistently jump to a different part of the movie leaving the user MENU - Chapter - to resume (soooo annoying!) No matter what you say to these losers they will always fall back on "the user agreement" which is only as strong as the reputation holding it up. They will continue to push customers away with this stance.

I know they hold some good market share now, but mark these words with the T! VO/AMA$ON partnership/technology pushing videos straight to your house for cheaper prices they will eventually lose that market share. Companies like $UN TV from back in the day are prime examples of not taking the customer seriously and it came back to bite them big time.

Company: Netflix
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Netflix, Inc
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