Royal Indian Raj
Fraud and Deception?

Real Estate

I have been thoroughly amazed at how well Royal Indian Raj and the Benjamins have been able to brainwash the investors and customers, including me, and redirect blame to the point of having a lot of investors and customers, including me, spewing their rhetoric – it’s a liquidity crisis, everything has slowed in India, its biappa’s fault. As of recent I have finally realized that this redirection of blame was more intended to distract us all from focusing on the real issue and the real issue is FRAUD! After closer examination it is clear the real issue is indeed FRAUD!

1. Why did the Royal Indian group and the Benjamin's FALSELY market and advertise a 18 hole Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course, approximately 200 acres, for the Royal Garden Villas project in Bangalore when they knew they could not and would not build a such a golf course? FRAUD?

2. Why did they FALSELY claim that they had the land of approximately 200 acres required for such a golf course under agreement when they did not? FRAUD?

3. Why did they FALSELY claim that they had the land required for the other amenities, like equestrian land, winery land, etc, when they did not? FRAUD?

4. Why did they FALSELY state in a newsletter that all deposits were being held in escrow when they are not? FRAUD?

5. Why did they tell everyone that the deposits would only be used for the project when they took the money from the deposits to buy land at a totally unrelated site to which we have absolutely no connection? FRAUD?

6. Why when customers have asked for refunds they are unable to get their monies back even after the waiting period? Nothing has been built yet so where has the money gone? FRAUD?

7. Why are they now not answering telephone calls from Customers now due their monies? FRAUD?

8. Why are they now not even answering emails from customer now due their monies? FRAUD?

9. Why are they not making any effort to communicate with the customers now due their monies? FRAUD?

10. Why did they ILLEGALLY sell real estate in jurisdictions in the USA and elsewhere where they have no real estate license or prospectus? FRAUD?

11. Why did they FALSELY claim they had more assets then they really did? FRAUD?

12. Why did they FALSELY claim that the company with which customers have the purchase agreements owns the 17 acres when really it is owned by a third party who has no legal obligation to us and could just walk away with the land if something goes wrong? FRAUD?

13. Why are they not willing to provide an accounting of the deposit monies? FRAUD?

14. Why are customers now filing for charges of fraud against the Royal Indian Raj group and the Benjamins? FRAUD?

And the list goes on. The more you verify the more you realize the real issue is FRAUD!

I was amused by the comments of DeepaM in the post below. DeepaM says, “Looks like a sign of the times.” What, FRAUD is a sign of the times? I wish to correct that. Stupidity is a sign of the times. With the allure of making an easy return I was stupid and ignored all the common sense signals. When I was given deep discounts, I ignored the old adage of “If it seems too good to be true it probably is.” I ignored the old adage “Buyer Beware” even though I was buying over the internet from a group that has a zero track record. I would guess that like all purchasers, I did not involve an advocate when that is the very first step you take in USA. I would guess that like all purchasers, I never had an independent advocate check the Land Titles or the contract prior to signing. Yes, I feel stupid. If anyone else feels the same, do not feel bad you are not alone. Yes, stupidity is a sign of the times and it is being proven daily in India by buyers running for easy returns that are too good to be true. Which they learn eventually are exactly that, “too good to be true”, as someone walks off with their money. Mind you I did not know then that Benjamin was once charged with fraud but I do now. They say tigers never change their stripes.

I got a great chuckle from Ranjeet’s comments in the post below – Legal Verification Completed. Ranjeet proudly comments how he/she visited the site, touched the soil and visited the advocate of Royal Indian Raj. My dear Ranjeet when buying real estate you do not take advice from the seller’s advocate, you take advice from your own independent advocate. If you had taken the time to retain a great independent advocate, your advocate would have advised you that you are signing a purchase agreement with “Company A” and the land is owned by an independent “Person B” who has no obligation to you and can walk away with the land if anything goes wrong and like magic…. Poof…your money disappears into thin air. Your advocate would have advised you to only sign an agreement if “Company A” owns the land and where you have a legal tie and right to the land. Their advocate probably said that the land was fully owned and clear title but failed to advise that it was not owned by the company on the purchase agreement. That is why you need a great independent advocate to advise you. Don’t worry, I made the same mistake and I only learned from an advocate after the fact. My advocate told me that this is typical to a scam where the land is used to lure in money from buyers and when the money is gone the selling company is shut down and the land owner walks away with the land. We know that the money is gone from RGVillas because customers that are due their monies are unable to get their money and nor are their calls or emails being answered. So what do you think is going to happen next….. Magic….. And poof our money has disappeared into thin air? So how do we recover our money? Well, you can do like other investors and customers, including me, are doing and move to file charges of fraud against the Benjamins for any fraudulent actions and fraudulent representations and freeze their assets and recover the funds from those assets. There is a group at that is helping investors and customers organize unified legal action and criminal charges.

I respectfully didn’t really pay much heed to DeepaM’s and Ranjeet’s comments as that is exactly the same rhetoric Royal Indian Raj staff gave me, almost word for word. If not Royal Indian Raj staff, then definitely the comments were influenced by staff in a half-hearted attempt to counter the growing wave of charges and legal actions mounting against Royal Indian Raj and the Benjamins. But the secret is out now and Royal Indian Raj and the Benjamins have no way of hiding it any longer.

Company: Royal Indian Raj
Country: USA
State: California
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