Apartment Source
We just want our $3000 back

Real Estate

Parties involved:

"Stamatios Shinas" 224-422-8842 = the guy we gave our money too and showed us the place allegedly works for Apartment Source

"Apartment Source" 2938 N. Halsted 60614 773-404-9900. Workers: Derrick realtor at Apartment Source and nephew of owner of apartment we were renting; Todd Lawrence, Manager Apartment Source; Stew Miller, Owner of Apartment Source

We just want our $3000 back. March 28th I gave Stamatios Shinas a realtor at Apartment Source $3000 cash for 1 month's rent 1 month security and pet deposit. I wanted to give cash because I wanted to move in by the next day and a check will take 3-4 business days to clear. The rent we discussed was $1,400. The guy had the keys and security codes and showed us the place. He said we could move in 3/29. Stamatios gave us a receipt and lease application fee using the Apartment Source name. The apartment we viewed was on 4915 Winnemac in Chicago. When I was moving in Saturday night the people upstairs said what are you doing here? We're moving in no you're not I am on the phone with the owner and she knows nothing about this. How embarrassing you have all your stuff a truck it's night time and freezing. Now you're homeless and broke. SO the owner and her family came she said that her nephew Derrick works for Apartment Source. My BF spoke to Derrick he said he knew who Stamatios was that was his partner. That he worked with them and he has been MIA for 2 days. The aunt/owner was very pissed and the rent is actually $2000 a month and she said the guy has been showing the apartment without her knowledge. Derrick said he would call us by Sunday at 12pm to see if he can find us somewhere to live and handle this situation because at the time he was in Wisconsin. Well, he never did even though 3 of us were calling him all day Sunday. What's suspicious to me according to Apartment Source Mr. Todd Lawrence Stamatios stole the keys while he was at an interview and they were in the process of hiring him but were just waiting for his realtor license. How did this guy Stamatios steal the keys, steal the alarm code, and knew what address this place was at, steal the Apartment Source receipt pad and still Apartment Source Application forms. Damn what kind of interview were they conducting? I do not believe Apartment Source I think everyone is a scammer. But, I just do not think this Stamatios character is this dumb. We googled him he has a MySpace, Facebook, his family owns several business. I am just so confused. Now I am broke and have no place to live. On Monday I spoke to Todd Lawrence the Manager at Apartment Source. Like I mentioned he said the guy never worked there and they are not obligated to give us the money but I told him that Derrick said that the guy did work there. He said that Derrick misspoke. Also, I asked him why Derrick never called us back on Sunday like he said he was. He said that his attorney advised him not too. HMMMM so why was Todd Lawrence talking to me. Stamatios has been texting and calling me for days now proclaiming his innocence. Ozell (a friend) called Todd Lawrence also on Monday identified himself that he worked for Homeland Security and that he was calling unofficially because I was a friend of his. Todd than said that he would right us a check as long as we had a police report and a copy of the receipt Stamatios gave us. BF went there and the police came too. The police told him honestly I don't think you are going to get your money back. They even called Stew Miller the owner of the business and he said that he wasn't paying us the money back because it wasn't his responsibility and the guy doesn't work there. The police spoke to Derrick (Todd was not there) I spoke to the receptionist and ask why we weren't getting the check cut anymore. The receptionist specifically said the police said do not cut you a check because we fired Stamatios. Fired... I thought he NEVER worked for you guys. The police will want to resolve this matter as quickly as possible they have murderers and rapist they are trying to catch. I doubt the police would have told him that. Stamatios says he gave the money to the office. I am not sure who to believe but I can definitely say something shady is going on. And the whole situation needs to investigated. They have an unsatisfactory record at BBB.org. I am taking this to the media and anyone who will listen until this matter is resolved and I find out who is the actual real culprit and who is telling the truth.

Company: Apartment Source
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
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