Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation
Dishonest mortgage foreclosure

Real Estate

Due to both of us losing our job at the same time, we were forced to file bankruptcy in 2005. Thanks to God's providence, we were able to "save" our home, or so we thought.

After the bankruptcy was discharged, the mortgage company, Chase Manhattan Mortgage Bank, began sending me "statements" from their "Homeowners Assistance Division" that did not show a due date, and, had the following statement printed on them:

This statement is not a request for payment. Another statement will be printed and mailed to you upon application of your next payment.

Like any logical person, I assumed that this was their way of "helping me reestablish my credit", and, twice over the course of a year and a half, I took advantage of this by paying "late" (according to my ORIGINAL loan terms, which again were not listed on the "statements" I was receiving). This, apparently, was my "crime".

All was (seemingly) good until Chase returned my November payment with a curt letter that listed "Need up to date funds" as the "reason" for returning it. I called them and was told that I owed them over $4,700 for payments, late fees, and legal fees (the "up to date funds"). I asked them to tell me what the late and legal fees were for, and they wouldn't. I requested that they send me a detailed statement of what I owed, which they said they would. I have not received it to date.

A week later, I received a letter saying that I owed them the above amount "plus any other payment that becomes due in the interim" by December 16th or they would take legal action. I called them again and asked them to explain how I could have "late fees" when there is no due date on the "statements", and, why none of their statements indicated that I was being charged or accruing late fees? I also asked them to explain what the "legal fees" were and when they were incurred. They skirted the issues (rudely and arrogantly) and basically argued with me. I finally got them to say that the amount I owed them was made up of three "late" payments plus late charges of over $400 and legal fees of $700. I demanded again that they send me a written, detailed statement of what they claimed I owed them.

Since I didn't get the requested information, and since the deadline was imminent, on the advice of my lawyer, I sent the certified amount of three payments plus three late fees (approx $3,900) along with a letter recapping all of this and AGAIN asking for a detailed statement showing their charges. This was signed for by them prior to their December 16th deadline (12/15).

Their response? A week later, I received a letter from their lawyers indicating that they were initiating foreclosure proceedings. A couple days later, I received the check back with the same stupid "reason": "Need up to date funds".

The sad part is, I had been putting money away in savings which I could have used to pay their "late fees", if they had only advised that I owed them! Instead, they wait until it is a very large amount, obviously banking on the fact that most people couldn't come up with the money to pay them.

DO NOT get a mortgage from Chase Manhattan Mortgage company!!! They have made NO effort to resolve this amicably. They seem intent on putting the screws to us, simply because they think they can get away with it.

I have seen several other rip off reports about this reprehensible company, who preys on those who are least able to help themselves, due to financial hardship. I would heartily recommend that a class action lawsuit be filed against these jerks to make them pay for their insolence!

Company: Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation
Country: USA
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