Green Tree Servicing LLC
Expediting Foreclosure - Mortgage payment

Real Estate

Hello Everyone,
December 12, BofA sold my loan to Green Tree. The letter from BofA stated I should hear from Green Tree within a few days. I was proactive and sent my payment to Green Tree. Of course, I know that I am two months behind in my payments, which was due to my daughter's emergency surgery. Anyway, I began receiving letters from Green Tree the second week of January. I received more letters from them in a week than I ever received from BofA in a year. One day, I received a letter stating that one person was my service account representative, then the following day, it was someone else. I received numerous amount of voicemails from Green Tree Servicing as well. I returned the reps call and she immediately told me that I filed bankruptcy before, then asked what were my plans. I stated that I intend to catch up on my payments and want to keep my home. Then, she requested my work, cell, and home numbers. I told her I don't want her calling my place of employment and only one message is needed, I did not feel she needed to call my phones continuously. She then stated well I can help you keep your house or proceed for you to lose it, started really speaking to me in a rude manner, demanded I payup right now, stated it's obvious I can't afford to pay. I conveyed that I recently sent my loan modification paperwork to BofA, before December 12, as stated in the packet and could she possibly obtain the documents from BofA, and I was hesitant to resend my information, for I experience identity theft from a former employee of at the time Counrtywide, which later BofA purchased. She stated no, we are you new service provider, just complete negativity. I told her it's time for me to end this call and I would call her back on another day and requested she did not call me again. She called back continuously, over and over again, on both my phones. Since that time, I sent a letter to the State Atty. General's office in CA. Also, I wrote a letter to the chief financial officer and copied the president and vice president, requesting a new representative. I received a letter of default today. I am just so disgusted with this rude company. I surely hope that we as consumers can file a class action lawsuit. I believe that if the State Atty Generals offices and department of corporations receive enough complaints, then they will investigate this company. Presently, I have an attorney for their illegal debt collection process.

I am more than willing to pursue a class action lawsuit.

Feel free to contact me at

Brigette Sullivan

Company: Green Tree Servicing LLC
Country: USA
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