Minnesota Interstate Compact Unit
Forced to abandon career due to "abuse of power" and corruption

Politics & Government

I had the unfortunate experience of being "fished" by a State Trooper in Minnesota. I received a DWI and tried fighting it in court. It was a waste of 3,000.00 needless to say.

I had to plead guilty and was sentenced to probation. Since then, I have completed all requirements set by probation and payed ALL fines. My current career requires me to relocate to another state.

I have been assigned Rose Ann Bisch with the Minnesota Interstae Compact nit to over see my transfer. At first, she declined my request since she decided I "didn't have a job" waiting in the receiving state. This was even after providing her with a letter from my employer and current check stubs from my job. I had an officer call her and set that straight.

She ended up sending the paperwork to the receiving state. I was accepted by the receiving state however Minnesota was never contacted regarding the acceptance. I did some research and called and emailed the receiving state inquiring as to why I have been accepted and that Rose Ann Bisch from Minnesota ISC told me I "was not" accepted.

The receiving state ended up calling Rose Ann and they had a heated battle over me. She ended up making them "decline" my request for transfer due to my career leaving the state of Minnesota.

I had an "alcohol" violation. I have nothing else on my record. This Rose Ann is corrupt and taking orders from the crooked trooper that has a personal problem with myself, even though my police report states I was "highly cooperative"... My rights are being violated in a MAJOR way. I have completed all of the demands that the offence created and did them very timely. I only want to be able to continue my career which is moving to another state. This type of corruption is uncalled for. Abuse of authority is the major problem here. I was also told by Rose Ann that I can NEVER contact anyone involved with my case, not even "her"... More rights violations... It's obvious she doesn't want the corruption exposed. Beware of Minnesota Interstae Compact Unit. I am going Federal on this one!

Am I supposed to be homeless now with now job? Hey Rosie! What bridge can I use as my address??

Company: Minnesota Interstate Compact Unit
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St. Paul
Address: 1450 Energy Park Dr., Suite 200
Phone: 6516420311
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