Lil Miss New Jersey Pageant

Politics & Government

This really is supposely a non profit. I'd a young child who enjoyed within this year's opposition. There is a $40.00 sign up charge. You'd to cover images. Parents settled between $65.00 & $185.00 for advertisements. Some people taken care of more the other ad. The applications were low quality. You can not write out the encounters, the fonts were various different, it had been really dim, just one staple kept this program together and also the advertisements were just half websites not full-page. We shifted around from area to area which created me only a little dubious. I named and was informed the representative didn't spend to make use of these amenities. I believe the parents must receive a return. This business had many fundraisers, gathered cash from parents and billed $30.00 for seats towards the occasion. It'd to become atleast 200 people there. What're they performing using the cash? I'm so tired of these "businesses" like Woman Shows conning the city due to their cash.

Company: Lil Miss New Jersey Pageant
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Trenton
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Model Management Inc

Premier Exchange Marketing
Timeshare Resale Scam

Glamour Shots
Money stolen out of purse!

Us mail
Late mail

Dawn Rochelle Productions, Miss Latina World
Dawn Rochelle Productions, Miss Latina World, The biggest trap you could fall into!

Sylvan Learning Center
Rip off
They are scamming innocent people

The Child Support System For The US
The Whole System Needs to be Redone ripoff

Kraft Foods
I will no longer purchase ANY products your company makes

5/3 Bank
Removing cash deposit from account