Kraft Foods
I will no longer purchase ANY products your company makes


I can't think my eyes when watching tv recently. Your advertisements for Jello Treats are simply incredible! Why on the planet can you market an item, that after seen by young kids, might discourage the living daylights out-of them-and perhaps scar them for a lifetime when viewing a professional about something which a guardian may need only for themselves? Kids are therefore susceptible in understanding from people, and where you may think this really is great advertising. It is only in poor humor. Did you talk to Hershey to determine what their viewpoint of the candy beast is? Who knows, perhaps they'll prosecute you due to lagging revenue since kids will not consume candy anymore! Personally speaking, after I was a young child, "Do Not feel!" was all I had a need to notice from my parents when it found products they did not need me to possess. Till these advertisements are taken off viewing, I'll no further purchase ANY items your organization makes! I'm confident you will find additional parents who'll accept me with this.

Company: Kraft Foods
Country: USA
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Kraft Foods
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Kraft Foods
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