The Brown Law Group, PLLC
Brown / Olcott, PLLC Collector with a Law Degree and Fees to Match

Politics & Government

I don't know who I'm more pissed off at, my HOA or this strip-mall practitioner. I'm incredulous that $348 was referred to an 'attorney' in the first place, but that quickly became $2,000 with threats of home foreclosure once this thug got hands on it. Every time I received something in the mail from him my balance had increased another $400.

The irony is that I could have taken care of the original amount if I'd been paying attention, but his barrage of fees quickly put that out of range. And then the home foreclosure threats. I mean really, for $348? Please, take my underwater home.

I have every confidence this guy is charging fees any time he glances in my file's general direction. I know making timely payments isn't sufficient - they also charge $5.00/month to 'process' them. Gas money to the bank apparently, because lord knows there's nothing electronic about this operation.

I received a $95 charge for a late-payment letter (and more threats, because apparently in his world nothing gets done without those), only to have my payment clear my bank the next day. I receive no statements, however, so who would know the account status. Apparently I can request them, but only once a quarter and who knows at what cost. And frankly, if it means having any contact whatsoever with his legal secretary, I'd rather push a rusty nail in my eye

As I've pointed out to both my HOA Board and property management company, my $348 gaffe has generated about $1,800 and counting to this mail-order lawyer while the HOA remains unpaid. No one comes away smiling in this but the lawyer. I'm imagining that fees and charges will continue accruing for years to come.

Company: The Brown Law Group, PLLC
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 190 W Magee, #182
Phone: 5202293377
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