Smartbusiness Plus This company is a scam and will still all the money from your credit card

Politics & Government

This company is a straight up scam artist company they will get you to invest a small fee to get you started usually 100 to 400 dollars then the weasal Owner Jessie Kloutman, an his mother Connie Pennial, will just take your credit card information and just run it for what ever the remain balance you have availibe ive seen them do this for at least 20,000 a week, week after week and then when the person that was scammed tries to cantact the company no one ever answers the phone, and whats sad they do this daily to people all across the country... If freedomfor2day a.K. A smartbusiness plus, call you hang up or call your local authorities

Company: Freedomfor2day
Country: USA
Address: 2502 E. university
Phone: 18005264950
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Darrin Jessie Small
Darien, Jess, Darrin Jessie Small SCAM ARTIST

Centurion Financial

Solow Solutions
Credit Card Ripoff Artists

Usa Credit

Royal Star Benefit
Ripoff swindler con-artists took us for all we had

Tech Force
Awful everything

CRC Of Clearwater - FRC
Won't cancel my business transaction only 15 minutes after I call back to tell them I changed my mind

CFNA/Firestone Credit
Crappy service - cfna

Tech Force, Suzette Cody, Craig Cody
Horrible Service, Scam, Credit Card Fraud

EDP Reporting
Decietful, dishonest, credit card ripoff