Marianne Virgili
President And CEO Ripped off the public for over a decade! Sleeping Board of Directors does nothing to get her out of the face of the public or to stop the corruption in their non-profit organization!

Politics & Government

Marianne Virgili is once again suspected of fraud and mismanagement of funds and power at the Chamber of Commerce where she has been in power for decades.

This time, there is no doubt that illegal activity has been done by this woman. She passed a fraudulent credit card in a local store. Then went on to try to cover her trail. Currently, she is under investigation and many are trying to get authorities to go back to the other past investigations that she skated out from underneath. The years of former employees blowing the whistle, the years of councils and boards trying to break her power hold on the town in order to regain control of their money in order to protect it and spend it in better ways; have all been ignored by what is likely the most apathy filled Board of Directors in the history of non profits everywhere. These people literally sit there and don't even have a clue that there are dozens of credit cards she has taken out over the years under the Chamber's name and without permission to do that or permission to use them for her own personal gain or funding.

What is the most sickening thing about this woman is her ego and her bloodlust in trying to ruin those employees lives and anyone else's if they try to cross her or expose her. Nothing seems to matter to this woman except getting her name in lights and front and center in any kind of media she can. Glenwood Springs is the most beautiful and special spot in Colorado and because of this self centered, greed filled woman, it is now forced to be tainted by her exploits and smeared everywhere just so the public can be made aware.

If we had a Board of Directors at the Chamber who wasn't asleep at the wheel. If we had anyone in a position of power who would force the Chamber, force the full investigation of her personal finances, to be forensic scoured and investigated, if we had a newspaper that did not care only about their politics, we wouldn't have all this scandal. We have none of these things in our town apparently.

Sometimes it is the smallest thing that pushes a good citizen over the edge.

Mine today is looking at an unbelievable news article in the Glenwood Post Independent talking up Marianne Virgili soliciting funds for her "Trip to China". This woman has stolen from the public for decades funding her lavish trips, spending her incentive rewards gained from fraud in credit card use at the Chamber and her fraud of rigging billing to government entities that hire the Chamber of Commerce. And yet, even now when so publically scorned, she shoves our face in her mess and her choices. The ego of this woman is unbelievable and she cares for nothing but herself. The only thing saving her from dozens of people sinking to the low, low level she crawled to over the years in stalking employees and citizens who expose her is that those dozens of people are decent people. Marianne Virgili can never again rise up to their level.

Get the criminal investigation into Marianne Virgili into high gear and protect Glenwood's citizens and visitors tax paying dollars is the call I am making to authority.

Clean house on a Board of Directors that thinks it is OK to remain associated with this woman and to allow our community to suffer publically is my call to members of the Chamber.

Get politicians into all levels of our government that will not stand back and tolerate this kind of corruption and greed at the citizens expense.

And finally, to the citizens of the Roaring Fork Valley: Get informed. There is a blog locally called Safe Place to Whistleblow on Non Profits. You do not have to fear the social retaliation which is Marianne Virgili's weapon of choice and always has been.

You would be surprised how many dozens of people, including prominent citizens who see this corrupt CEO for what she really is.

Company: Marianne Virgili
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Glenwood Springs
Address: 38 Spring Loop Circle
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Marianne Virgili, Virgili Marianne
Marianne Virgili President-CEO Glenwood Springs Chamber Commerce Ripping Off Member and Taxpayer dollars to build 1.8 mil home, take lavish trips and fuel a lifestyle she can't afford!

Marianne Virgili, Glenwood Springs Chamber Commerce Executive Director, President and CEO
Marianne Balotta, Glenwood Springs Chamber Commerce, Glenwood Springs Chamber Resort Association. Suspected of Fraud, embezzlement and misuse of power for the 4th time! Even though stalked/harrassed by Virgili, former employees come forward once again!

Marianne Virgili Executive Director and CEO
Suspected for 4th time of Fraud and Corruption

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