The United States Of America
Failed to Deliver a Governemtn

Politics & Government

According to "The Social Contract" by Rousseau, a government is a contract between a people and some other people who are supposed to deliver on a sustainable government, not allow it to fall into shambles to the point that only a few people are at the top enjoying themselves, and the rest of the 99% of the people are left on their own to figure it out for themselves.

This is not supposed to be a government of "go figure it out by yourself." I lost my savings by investing in companies that filed financial statements with the SEC and represented themselves as reliable investments. Other Americans lost their entire life savings and retirement after working all their lives, and believing that their savings were safe.

Obviously, the United States of America is not a reliable form of government. For whatever went wrong, it still remains that Congress can't provide the representation they are elected to provide. Congress appears to be more of a special interest group than a representative body. If it was truly a representative body, I would be able to talk directly to my congressman and senator. When I write a letter, I get a letter back from an intern.

I have it on the best authority, that all those letters we write just go to the interns who send them to other interns, and the only way to actually have your issue of concern heard, is to be best friends with the one administrative aide that carries the briefcase to the Capitol each morning.

I have other issues with the various departments and agencies of The United States, and it's like I'm running my own little government out of my home, writing letters, and making phone calls, and nobody really ever listens or wants to listen.

I know I'm sick of talking to interns and people who answer the phone, and sneer at the public. I'm sick of the elitism that goes on in Washington DC, as if we're all inferior to them. I have been active in politics to my best ability all my life, and I have never, in all my campaign contributions and registering voters, ever even met a member of Congress.

I get letters from interns and campaign literature. More the same.

So I'm filing a complaint against the United States of America for not delivering on the representative government that they were mandated to deliver by the Constitution. This is not anything close to what was mandated by the Constitution.

The Constitution states that we are individuals.individuals have been erased. We are not treated as individuals. We are assigned numbers and put off in groups, and treated as lesser human beings by our group. We are categorized and tabulated, and expedited so the United States does not have deal with individuals or individual issues.

Adding insult to injury, everybody in the United States has a credit score whether they want one or not.instead of delivering on a government and an economy, they turn to us and ask us to deliver on a credit score. While they are making all the bad economic decisions and engaging in ruinous economic policy, they want each individual American to cough up an acceptable credit score.

They ruin your savings and investments, they ship your job overseas, they limit your access to employment, and they discriminate openly in housing, leaving a large majority of Americans in a hopeless cycle of poverty, and they want a nice clean credit score or now, you're not just a bad credit risk, you're unAmerican because you cannot sustain yourself in their bad economy.

That's all I have to say.

Company: The United States Of America
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
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