United States of America
U.S. Government has systematically ripped off its citizens by failing to respond their needs and overtaxing them at the same time - fraud & misrepresentation tricked and lied to us

Politics & Government

The US government has cheated us all. Law and policy is formulated by the influence of interest groups or the consequences of their actions or those of other large entities. There is an inherent conflict of interest because what is in the best interests of Americans and what is in the best interests of the lobbyists, interest groups and corporate America are not the same. With only one government to represent both sides (regardless of the "party" in power) there IS a serious conflict and it's the people that always pay too dear a price.

The US is no longer a democracy and the US can no longer be characterized as a free market economy. It's a good thing so few Americans travel abroad or know very much about what goes on outside the US (except for the exaggerations they see and hear on their favorite nightly news programs) otherwise they would see this all too clearly.

We are all aggreived because the US government as a system (from a non-summative perspective) has and continues to regularly misrepresent and defraud its citizens. How can the problem be solved? Americans need to be unified to do that. What is ostensibly labelled a "two party system" is not. When one pulls the blinders off they can see that voting for either party makes no real difference. The choice is an illusion. As long as there is a two party system as it currently exists in the US then the citizens of the US will merely be divided and the nonsense that exists will continue to do so and the same deceit that has been foisted on Americans will continue. The same interest and lobby groups are playing both sides against the middle and it's the American people that are caught in the middle.


Company: United States of America
Country: USA
City: Washington DC
Address: Washington D. C
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Good best investment
Illegal / unusual / fraud/extortion of money from people exporting goods from united states into nigeria new jersey

Advantage America (Al Queda)
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The United States Of America
Failed to Deliver a Governemtn

Gov't Conspiracy
Government conspiracy rip-off to americans. Because of greed

US Government
Taxes for Terrorists Ripoff to Americans

Unsatisfied with management

George W Bush Jr
Lied to the American People government corruption

Karen Roper, Revenue Commissioner
Government Corruption

U.S. Government
USA Congress