President Obama
White House Comment Line

Politics & Government

The White House maintains a comment line, and you're supposed to be able to call it and tell the President about any pressing issues. I've never had any luck with represetatives, congressmen or senators. The White House used to have a voice mail, and that's gone.

So for all the "open-ness" the Obama administration is supposed to have, you can't just call the White House comment line and tell the President anything.

I called for about a week, and got a busy signal. Today, I finally got a live operator and she hung up on me.

I was going to tell the President about his amazing idea to give $8,000 tax credit if you buy a new home. I've been trying to get a loan for a home for 3 months, and forget it. The banks sold all their inventory homes to private investors at auction, and they are running some scam to get other people to invest in large blocks of homes that they rent out. All those bank owned homes, are being rented, not sold.

So if you try to call the White House and tell them, they hang the phone up on you.

Good luck trying to get President Obama to listen to your comments.

Company: President Obama
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: White House
Phone: 8004561111
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